
  • Ron, I certainly hope so, but I will believe it when I see it!

  • No real surprise here... One can fool some of the people all of the time, but never all of the people all of the time.  It appears that some of the people are waking up to find the Democrat Party is no longer the party of their grandfathers or the party it claims to be... the party of the people.

  • I'd say that voting as a  political tool for reform is a myth... vote but don't expect it to be a path to reform.  We need to think OUTSIDE of the conventional means for political reform to take hold o a NEW WAY... a better and more secure method... Labor and Tax strikes... passive-aggressive protests and legislative petitions to reform government directly...with citizen initiatives.

    The former ways to reform have all been corrupted... the Ballot Boxes of America are no longer the franchise of the People... However, we are not without power... our power is found in our labor and willingness to pay our taxes.... withhold both, and shut down the lifeblood of the economy and... and the government's source of power.  Use citizen initiatives backed by labor and tax strikes to reform government... too, remove the corrupt and restore the righteous as the ministers of government.  Use the peaceful voice of the multitude to overpower the criminal acts of the tyrants presently holding the keys to our engines of government and the economy.

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