This is one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made.  I love what Donald Trump did as president.

I think he was a great president and I compare him favorably with Ronald Reagan. But I don’t think he should run again in 2024.  Hear me out, please.  I think he should let people believe he will run in 2024; however, Donald Trump is four years younger than Joe Biden!  So when “Sleepy Joe’s” first term ends, Trump will be the same age then as Biden is now.

If he lets people believe he will run again, he remains a formidable force—and influence—on Republican politics.  But given Biden’s dementia, age will certainly be a negative force in presidential politics.  I think Trump might even need to announce he’s running; then at a strategic moment, he could develop some [real or imagined] health problem and step aside, throwing his support to Ron DeSantis.

If “The Donald” would actually run he would be a lightening rod for the anger that the left is using to destroy America as we know it.  I personally believe his best future gift to America would be to stoke that anger and division and give the “Commie-crats” a focus for their anger and fundraising; let them spend their “nest-egg” of campaign contributions, then step aside at the last minute for a younger patriot.

I am 84 years old and have lived through a lot of history.  Let me share a piece of it with you:

In 1944 (I was seven years old at the time) I remember the adults in my world were worried about a man named Norman Thomas.  Their concerns and anxiety were palpable, even to a young kid.  Thomas was the Socialist candidate for President of the United States.  At the end of his run, he withdrew from further attempts at winning office and announced, “I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party.  The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”

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  • 5th grade Logic.

    How many voted did Biden actually get?  Consider this...

    The impossibility of a Biden win is mathematically trivial for a 5th grader to understand. 

    Dominion allocated .74 vote for each DJT vote.  1.26 for every Biden.  Adds up to 2.

    This type of algorithm always keeps every dictator in power and totally fools the people.

    5 AM Nov 3rd CNN reported 158 million registered voters in USA. 

    In a high turnout election (going back 200 years) the turnout is not over 65%. 

    For this discussion we will use 75% to be generous.  Multiply x’s maximum registered.

    158 million times 75% computes to 118.5 million voting (max). 

    10 PM CNN reported DJT got 74 million.    Let that sink in for a moment.

    118.5 minus 74 = 44.5 (million) remaining for Biden.  Not counting stops/starts over and over.

    When the counting finally stopped Biden supposedly got 80 million. 

    80 plus 74 = 154 (million) voter turnout.  IMPOSSIBLE! 

    Now go one step further...reverse the algorithm to get true vote count, simple.

    Divide 74 by .74 to get the real number of DJT votes = 100 million.  5th Grade math.

    Hmmm…how many are remaining for Biden?  118.5 minus 100 = 18.5 million.

    So, do Patriots believe the outcome?  NOT A CHANCE! Time to fix it, PERIOD!!

    This is an insurrection and our military watched and recorded it all in detail.

    Our military has the Constitutional duty to fix this NOW. 

    There is very high Trump support in our military even though Obama scrubbed thousands in the higher ranks, (now Biden is doing the same thing).

    100 million votes for DJT out of 158 million – never seen this kind of support.

    The Congress and Courts joined The Dark Side and embraced the massive fraud.


    Written by  H. Gregory Badger

    Victory1. 9661631881?profile=RESIZE_930x

    H. Gregory Badger
    Tea Party Command Center is a social network
    • Donald Trump has more energy than most people half his age are equipped with. He is sharp, well spoken, and speaks forcefully and plainly. He is decisive, and works constantly.  He is truly exceptional, has proven that fact, and there is no reason to imagine that he is incapable of doing the job due to his age.  Simply none.

      Did I mention courageous?  

      No, he is not perfect.  He is simply the best who is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of his country.  That is what a patriot is.  And age has nothing to do with that.

    • I agree with you 100%; but you miss my point.  People don't base their actions [and vote] on what is true.  They act on what they believe to be true., whether or not is is objectively true.  Biden is setting an example that will be difficult for other older people to overcome, regardless of whether they are competent.  Not everyone follows the political news as closely as you and I apparently do.

    • Sir. Your point (Donald Trump is too damned old to be president and should fake it) is very clear.  I did not miss it.

      I do not agree with it either.

      Trump is not a pretender.  He is straight forward and in your face honest with what he intends to do.  That, sir, is what makes him exceptional and worthy of the office.

      Biden is the liar. Not Trump.  

    • The post is not intended to disparage Trump or say I think he is too old; the post is about voter perception and how the electrate might view an older candidate.


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