The Rise of Mandatory and Forced Vaccination Legislation Should Send a  Chill Up Every Single American Spine That Government Can Force You to  Accept Any Kind of Medicine and Inject You Against

A Doña Ana County Detention Center officer facing termination for declining a COVID-19 vaccination is suing county manager Fernando Macias and detention center officials over the mandate. 

The complaint stems from a directive Macias issued in January requiring that county-employed first responders, sheriff's deputies, firefighters and detention center officers receive one of the two vaccines against the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the disease. 

Detention officer Isaac Legareta claims in a federal complaint that mandating employees take vaccines that are not yet fully approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration violates the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

The vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna were both approved for emergency use in December, while a third vaccine under development by Johnson & Johnson was authorized on Saturday. All three are undergoing the clinical trial process.

Federal law requires disclosures to individuals about an unapproved product including risks and benefits with "the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks." 

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  • Fight for the rights that the Constitution gives every American citizen and the rights men and women had fought and die defending your rights.

  • I WILL NOT COMPLY with "mandatory" vaccination.  The 4th Amendment says they can't force this on us and I WILL NOT CONSENT under any circumstances!!!!!!!!!!

  • I heard a rumor that this is the USA and we have the right to deciding our own paths with regards to our health care.  Nobody should be forced to receive a vaccination if they are against it for whatever reason.

  • This calls for CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS,

  • I WILL NOT Say That I Give Up..! That Just IS NOT Me..! I Will Do What Ever It Takes To Continue My Freedom For As Long As I Am Able..! Everyone WILL Die Some Day..! LIBERTY Or DEATH..!

    • Absolutely and the sooner the better for me... I ain't getting any younger..! I can't do everything I could have done even as far back as 2008 when this Sellout Of America Began With Obama..! I have been Anticipating and Contemplating ever since that Un-American Bastard..! I still have the Will but my body is loosing it's stamina... But as I said- I WILL NOT say I Give Up... Amen..!

  • i knew it was coming. 

  • MY body, MY choice....

    • Kathleen, delete this pro choice slogan please! Unless you are a troll..... 

    • Kathleen, the devildemocrats only accept that if you are talking about murdering a baby in your womb.  I agree with you but the devildemocommiecrat tyrants demand subjugation.  I WILL NOT COMPLY either!!!!!!!!!!

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