
  • Well, tomorrow is the day when Sidney Powel will be magnified in the Supreme court. 

  • Keep up the faith and the fight Sidney! You are one of our few hopes.        Dave

  • The election was about to be overturned with the rejection of the electoral college. Then all of a sudden, the ANTIFA dressed in MAGA gear, as reported by the FBI, charged into the capitol. The proceedings stopped for 2 hours and then when they came back into the camber all of the no votes were changed. This was a preplanned operation to stop the votes. AOC admitted that she was warned a week in advance that ANTIFA was going to cause major trouble. The facial recognitiion cameras indentified known ANTIFA leaders leading the charge into the capitol. The FBI reported the pics on Jan. 7. The Washungton Times also reported the same story on Jan. 7. Rush limbaugh reported the same story on Jan. 8. 

    • Allen, what makes you say that? Ted Cruz (among a few others) never changed his stance, what makes you think any RINO would not turn his back on we the people?

    • They are doing it every day!  Turncoats. 

      have you ever heard of Romney ? Mitch McConnell?

    • Yes, so the election was not about to be overturned, the capitol is filled with mostly dems and RINOs.

    • Oleg - I am confused are you accusing Ted Cruz of being a rino.  Get real - he is one of the most vocal supporters of President Trump and the constitution.  If that is what you mean, please follow the more right leaning news and stop talking like an idiot Democrat!

    • Martha, did you read Allen's first sentence?  If yes, re-read my comment, thx.

  • I received an email from three states who are now admitting that TRUMP won the vote in their states. They found this out when they were archiving the voting results. They have immediately grabbed the Dominion voting machines to test them for accuracy. 

    • How do we know this is true. I haven't any of this from any other source.

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