Sidney Powell Urges Trump to Use EO 13848

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  • The Dims are intent on installing Communism in these United States ... Antifa and BLM are their Gestapo in this effort ... pretty obvious. Funding: Soros ... he should be brought to trial for inciting/funding treason.

    Why are the Dims moving to impeach President Trump before he leaves office? If he is impeached that may prevent him from ever again running for the US Presidency. Dims ... malicious bastards!

    President Trump is an unabashed and successful Capitalist ... the antithesis of Communism.

    Capitalism vs Communism ... that's what's going on.

    I'm repeating this post because all is NOT lost if we know and observe the rules!

  • Sydney Powell has risked her entire career to protect the constitution and do what's right, the least Trump can do is to listen and apply the knowledge of the person he still endorses in exposing the fraud!  In the past he has listened to his appointed swamp dwellers, why not listen to a genuine patriot...

    The most powerful man on earth, ever, and he doesn't even know how to fight facebook and twitter?!  Does he not have access to  the rest of the internet?

    The enemy is calling for his impeachment 13 days before the switch, why?!  Trump can still invoke martial law to expose the corruption...

    He's not listening to us! We the people who elected him in a historical landslide victory, he is turning it into a defeat! What a shame, so many of us counted on him, so many of us thought he was a president of, for and by we the people.

    At least listen to a constitutional scholar we the people endorse!

    • I agree with you!  If he buckles under the pressure now, what was the last 4 years of sacrifice for????   

    • Trump buckled and concede the election today. Oleg, you are right when you say that he deserted we the people who counted on him to keep fighting for us. What the heck happened?

    • I think Trump places the three branches of government above we the people no matter how corrupt they are

  • President Trump should do everything that is on our Constitution to save the nation and show the people his first duty is protected and defend the country and not to a political party and start naming all responsible for the fraud election.

    • Agreed!

    • Lorenzo, Trump needs to assume total authority over every nook of the country very quickly if he wants to save the nation and preserve our freedom & liberties,

  • After everything these scumbags have done to Trump I do not know why he would want to go for 4 more years. I think we should make it clear that whomever he endorses is whom I will vote for. I am also takening names  of the RHINO traitors who should never run as Republicans again. Watching how the media treats corrupt dementia Joe and on her knees to progress to the top makes me very angry. Make sure you keep tract of all the phony Rhinos and get them out. Of course this will have to be after we figure out how to get our voting rights. Class action suit?

    • Shirley, that's the spirit. Every American patriot follows Trump unconditionally and upholds their pledge of allegiance to President Donald J. Trump. While many rinos are turning their backs on the greatest president in our lifetimes, we the people stand by him 100% loyally.

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