Signs of a Coming Trump Victory


Don't kid yourself. Don't be fooled by the bravado. Democrats behind the scenes are scared and getting more desperate by the day because there are so many signs of a coming Donald Trump victory.


The signs are everywhere.

Polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans don't want to defund police. They want law and order. They support police. Even 80 percent of black voters overwhelmingly disagree with defunding police.

Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Joe Biden or Democrats? Do you think all these Americans who support the police, want more law and order, and want more police funding are leaning to "law and order Trump" or "defund the police Joe Biden"?

Polls show 83 percent of Americans support President Trump and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson's ending of former President Obama's program designed to fill the suburbs with high-density low-income housing, bringing crime and drugs to the neighborhoods of suburban moms and dads.

Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Biden or Democrats? Do you think these millions of suburban American homeowners who don't want to see their home value destroyed or their neighborhood turned into war zones like Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore are going to vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden?

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  • Wait until the Republican Convention is over and Trump gets an enormous boost. Trump is scheduled to speak every night, many members of his awesome family will also speak. This is the beginning of the Trump dynasty in American history. The Trump family will guide us for the forseeable future and will make America the greatest it has ever been. The next step is a huge landslide win in November 2020. When Trump runs, he wins. Period. 

    • The Trump dynasty ends with the Donald, as his younger daughter is the only one that qualifies to become president, she does not get into politics so much. All the other children were born by foreign moms, that do not have American citizenships if I recall. I'm sure there are others that can shed further light on this subject, It's too bad carolyn kennedy is a leftist, her father wasn't perfect, he did love America, and I believe JFK jr if he was still around, would have been a great successor to TRUMP, he would have gone after the traitors that murdered his father, along with other crimes that shaped America into the marxisst cesspool it has become.

      TRUMP 2Q2Q, An Americana Living Legend! God, please bless and protect President Donald J. Trump and America, give him the strength to over power our enemies. YOU know the enemies of America are desperate and will do whatever it takes to remove him, to destroy the greatest nation YOU created.

  • Do the sane out number the lunatics?

  • Defunding the police is just one of the final steps in the road to Communism... Historically, the Marxist's demands to defund or reform policing are ruses used to subvert the command and control apparatus of the State and Local Police. Too, put radical elements, of the Communist Party, in control of the nation's police departments as tools of the Marxist insurgency.  Turning over the management and leadership of local police, to citizen groups, run by radical Marxist groups, such as Antifa and BLM, soon finds the police acting like the Gestapo of the Left... targetting conservative and rational resistance to the Marxist insurgency. 

    Next, comes the confiscation of arms by local police...  Once, the confiscation of arms is completed, the police will begin the identification, and isolation of counter-revolutionaries and their wholesale classification, removal, re-education or elimination,   America is watching the final door to a successful Marxist Insurgency being opened. Mr. President put down the insurrection, go after the Marxist and Globalist interests in the Deep State before we lose total control of the police and courts in America.   Declare limited Martial Law for the purpose of ending the insurrection and rounding up the known criminal elements in the 'deep state'.  Take Care, to faithfully execute the laws of the United States by using Martial Law wherever the local police and courts are unable or refuse to do so.

  • Revel in these vital and nessesary moments when the average citizen preceives and is convicted in which way his bread is buttered. NOW IT MATTERS.

    The covid caper act is coming down.

  • The poles are phony. Trump supporters are being very quite but will be there for him. Only way he could lose is VOTER FRAUD

    • Look for voter fraud... and watch as the GOP refuses to act in the face of such fraud.   Historically, the leadership in the GOP has not taken the needed steps too head off or challenge voter fraud.   If they do challenge voter fraud this cycle our electoral system is likely to collapse under the weight of abuse by both parties... and the people will reject any outcome as certified by the Secretary of State in the several states... Especially, if they certify their elections along party lines.

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