Six Democratic mayors have sent a letter to congressional leaders asking them to pass legislation barring the Trump administration from sending federal agents to their cities.

The mayors called on the congressional leaders to pass legislation that would require the administration to receive consent from local authorities before deploying federal agents, as well as limit federal agents’ crowd controlling activities to protect federal property.

They also said the legislation should require visible identification at all times on federal agents and vehicles unless the agents are on an undercover mission authorized by the local U.S. attorney.

The letter — sent to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Monday — comes amid reports of unidentified federal agents detaining demonstrators in Portland, Ore.

“This administration’s egregious use of federal force on cities over the objections of local authorities should never happen. As demonstrated now in Portland, these federal forces have used the pretext of protecting federal property to also patrol streets, way outside of their lawful jurisdiction, arrest residents without cause and trample on Constitutional rights,” the mayors wrote.

“These actions further erode trust in government at all levels; are de-legitimizing local law enforcement; and escale, rather than de-escalate tensions. We live in a democratic republic, not an authoritarian police state. We must block this type of dangerous and undemocratic exercise of power once and for all,” they added.

The letter is signed by the mayors of Chicago; Seattle; Portland; Albuquerque; Washington, D.C.; and Kansas City, Mo.

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  • Trump has the right to send troops via the Insurrection Act. They are completely lawless and all need to be removed from office as unfit and in violation of our rights to live, breathe, be safe in our homes and property, businesses, cities and towns. 

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