10 Bizarre Ways The Soviet Union Controlled Its People



‘Struggling For Truth’ Was Considered A Symptom Of Schizophrenia

Jokes Had To Be Approved By The Department Of Jokes

Conducting An Orchestra Was Viewed As Capitalist

Museums Of Atheism Taught People The Evils Of Religion

They Made Their Own Calendar

Unemployment Was A Crime

The Grapes Of WrathWas Banned For Showing Poor People With Cars

Mop Tops Were Forcibly Shaved Off (Beatles Reference)

Plants Were Required To Follow Socialist Principles 

Clap For Stalin Or Go To Prison


Top 10 Horrifying Facts About The Soviet Union

Source; https://listverse.com/2020/02/26/top-10-horrifying-facts-about-the-soviet-union/  

Pseudoscience was endorsed by the government

Psychiatry was exploited to silence political dissidents ( Think About The Current Transgender Trend Being Promoted As Normal)

One of Stalin’s top henchmen was a sexual predator

The Gulag was a key part of the Soviet economy

Starvation was used as a weapon

Initially the Soviet Union was happy to work with the Nazis

Terror and violence were central parts of Communist regime from the beginning

‘Fake news’ was the brainchild of the KGB

The Great Terror was fuelled almost exclusively by Stalin’s paranoia and sadism

There was institutional anti-Semitism


My Opinion;

If you compare what was done over years ago in mthje Soviet Union, and compare it to todays conditions starting with Obama and continuing with the biden/Harris administration, you will see the exacting parallels with just enoiugh difference to take into account what is strongest in American Traditions. Make no mistake, what was donme then has already or soon will be done here.

See; https://gab.com/laurelcatherine/posts/106338983779533713  to listen what is happening to our farmers because the government using eminent domain to buy up fertile croplands and stop the production of food.

The Tradesman

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