Rev Thomas Littleton
This past week marked the annual Immigration Coalition’s National Conference. An interesting and revealing line up of partners and sponsors participated in the Oct 22-23 2020 event. But prior to the event these partnerships had LONG AGO formed between Open Societies organizations , government funding and non profits operating as what Capitol dubbed a ” A Billion-Dollar Taxpayer Funded Advocacy Industry” for immigrants and refugees FLOODING INTO AMERICA.
“Welcoming America” is one of the long standing Soros and Open Societies funded organizations gathering partners in the immigration/refugee resettlement industry including evangelicals through the recruiting efforts of World Relief. Now The Southern Baptist Convention’s missions organizations like North American Missions Board/ Send Relief and NAMB’s “Acts 17 Initiative” are poised and sitting pretty in advocating for Islamic Refugees …if only these “advocates” can get President Trump out of the way.
Although in the past the movement for missions organizations to drive immigrant placement and immigration reform had focused on the growing Spanish populations ,both legal and illegal – the clear focus for funding became the Muslim Refugees after Obama administration’s failed policies launched the so called “Arab Spring” of mass Muslim migration. This displacement, coupled with Faith Based Partnership funds has made “getting in on the action” for ministries a very profitable endeavor.
The Acts 17 Initiative
“October 22 2020 · Shared with:Public#Immigration issues & the #refugee crisis are at a tipping point like we’ve never seen in the US. How will you respond? How will you lead others? You can still register to join us with the Immigration Coalition for #TIC2020 that kicks off virtually this evening at: “
As part of the Faith Based Neighborhood Partnerships programs working with Federal grants / tax dollars organizations cannot engage in religious activity including evangelism or “any explicitly religious activity”. Therefore to promote these programs as “missions” or “Gospel Ministry” is FRADULANT ! To engage in such activities with government funded programs is illegal. The government is not investing tax payer dollars for Baptist to proselytize or convert Muslims to Christian faith. Neither are “open borders” sponsors like Soros interested in the Great Commission.
*Two Soros and Open Societies funded organizations are at the top of the SBC effort.
*These organizations are “Welcoming America .org” (W.A.) and “National Immigration Forum”.
*NIF houses the Evangelical Immigration Roundtable on which Baptist Russell Moore works directly with the Obama Foundations Michael Wear for Immigration Reform. (2019 -repeat of Moore and Wear)
(Soros funding at NIF has been denied but is confirmed in this 2009 Document:
*NIF and Catholic Charities trained Rondell Treviño who is the Founder and Director of The immigration Coalition whose event was held last week showing the Baptist partnerships in Refugee Resettlement.
*Catholic Charities and World Relief (NAE) partner openly with these 2 Open Society orgs.
*These non profits are focused heavily on Muslim Refugee Resettlement in the U. S.
*World Relief and Catholic Charities have taken in Billions since 2008 from government grants.
*By 2011 World Relief became the primary Welcoming America partner of Soros/Open Societies funded organizations to recruit Evangelical involvement with refugees.
* Now World Relief and Southern Baptist North American Missions Board ,DBA Send Relief and Acts 17 Initiative, along with International Missions Board are partnering in Muslim focused Refugee Resettlement in the US. These programs include legal aid with immigration services, a full range of social services, welfare, section 8 housing, education, job placement, health care, and anti discrimination protections.
*The Welcoming America .org Tool Fit calls for Interfaith/ community dialog and even training for rural communities to “welcome people different from themselves. “World Relief and other ministries including the Baptist are engaging such dialog in churches.
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Muslims don't permit Christians to freely worship or settle in their Nations... they run them off or kill them. Conducting interfaith initiatives with Islam is suicide.... Islam demands its followers kill infidels or to subdue them as slaves. It is not just ignorant to embrace Islam it is suicide.
$3,000 per head to churches that brought in Syria. "refugees",
3,000 is a cheap price for giving away one's birthright... Esau has nothing on this new generation of apostates, as the rush to worship at the feet of Mammon... money and power.
it's very interesting you brought the story of Esau into this topic Jacob stole his birthright what's that tell you? compare to today's world first of all Jacob stole, second of all his mother told him how to do it? third, where is their father? fourth. why did his mother want Jacob to steal the birthright? their father is being deceived by Jacob why is it and give the birthright to his youngest son? isn't what we are seeing in today's government? especially here in America.
There are several lessons to learn from the story of Esau... and most of them apply to the corruption in our social order today. Sin has not changed and the underlying motives are constant through history... the need for power over others and wealth.
Just the story of Esau tells me that Satan is going to have a hay day in the coming days and right now, Satan is the father of lies, and deceit, Jesus said in the last days don't let anyone deceive you and that is exactly what Satan did with Eve he deceives her to eat the fruit. what we are seeing today the Government is deceiving the citizen of this country it's the same old thing and the Church is silent about this.
A church I was attending showed vids about the poor "refugees." A group of constitutionalists in that church made an appointment with the Pastor and gave him some type of rebuke. However. this same pastor recently spoke from the pulpit about Floyd, systemic racism and more lies. This is the reason the church is so incredibly useless to fight any battles today. He could have informed his flock, identified and called out color as the idol it is, and led his flock into waking up. This is rampant and should not be so.
the Church should be the most powerful Identity in the world today but it is not what's wrong with this picture?
The ordination and selection of those in the ministry is woefully neglected today... The Holy Spirit and the presbytery should be the primary method for calling men to the ministry... Congregational and educational standards for the ministry should be secondary to God's anointing and calling as confirmed by the Presbytery. The failure to follow Biblical standards for calling out the ministry has resulted in a steady decline in the quality and effectiveness of the ministry.
There has also been an overt focus on numbers by the Church, ascribing attendance as the essence of success... numbers of church members and the bottom line in tithes and offerings has taken preference over the Spiritual quality and needs of the congregation... The ministry avoids controversy and spiritual leadership, by pandering to the physical and worldly entertainment of the Congregation. More attention to spiritual endeavors is needed: Spirit lead anointed services verse entertainment. The unanointed, milk toast sermons result in declining attendance and lack of spiritual growth in the congregation. Members need to experience the Holy Spirit at work in their services before they lose the drawing of the Spirit to worship as a congregation... the local Church must inspire spiritual desire and provide a meaningful SPIRIT filled experience to remain a living vessel of the Lord.
This all has a direct impact on the quality of our government and the security of our nation... as our Constitution and Republic depend on a moral and religious people... neither of which are being supplied by the current Church in America... America needs to return to its first love, God. Then, God will heal our lands and restore the blessing of the Gospel of Christ to an obedient and faithful people.
Everything that you wrote is both the essence of wisdom and also of the problem. In addition, the remnant church needs to solidly teach spiritual warfare and how to identify the principalities, powers of darkness and rulers running rampant in human victims. They need to stop behaving as corporate money changers and actively teach hiw to be spiritually violent to overthrow demons out of people and off the 7 mountains of culture, and they need to teach it both individually and corporately. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. I personally love this verse and am blessed to have finally found my violent church. It us only in the evangelical church as far as I know, and even some of them are too busy being a corporation and bowing to, to be worth more than a crock of soup and some white bread.
My violent church just met on top of the formerly 1000 acres owned by Air America, and held worship. decreeing over America, and prophesying over the northern, southern, eastern and western Cincinnati / Dayton region. The presence of tbe Holy Spirit was amazingly sweet. Angeks were seen by some.