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  • The corruption of the radical left is unbelievable and nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

  • Known fact.......the leftists have different rules!

  • Who gives a damn? Honor and ethics are no longer qualifications for high office.

    Obviously the Speaker of the House doesn't... where are the ethics hearings and IMPEACHMENT ARTICLES?  I don't care if the Senate will not convict... We must build a non-controvertible case of corruption in DC and BOTH political parties... the SWAMP and DEEP STATE.

    Speaker McCarthy promised impeachments or resignation... it is now TIME FOR MCCARTHY TO RESIGN as Speaker and put someone in that office who will move the needle to the right... Too, the moral and conservative enforcement of our constitutional law. 

    If the reports are true Sotomyer needs to resign or she must be Impeached as many times as it takes to make it stick.  THERE IS NO DOUBLE JEOPARDY PROTECTION FROM IMPEACHMENT CHARGES.

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