
  •   It's called a drop box! It can be anywhere including an airport locker, public gim, or any closet, etc.  The owner has a key, the pick-ups all have a key. The owner puts in the doc's, the pickups gets the docs, leaves the money....simple! The location of the latest drop-box is said to be just a few blocks from the Chinese consulate. Any bets on where those docs are right now?  
       BTW, at the time that these docs went missing, Biden was Vice President, so he had no rights to authorize taking these docs, but Obama did! Just follow the money! 

  • The serious question for JOE BIDEN , Why did you have those classified documents in your posseeion in the first place? What was the classification of these documents and who else may have had accsss to them? If they were in a locked office Would it not be safe to assume that others had keys to this same office? What about the Janitorial staff what about school administrators, Do you even understand that others may have read these documents, Now that you have been found with  classified documents do you still believe President Trump should be prosecuted? and if so why should you not receive the same punishment? Its going to be interesting how the news media and Democrats try to explain this away. The DOJ certainly  cant go after one and not the other, The old saying holds true WHAT A CROOKED WEB WE WEAVE WHEN WE TRY TO DECEIVE. Sorry JOE if President Trumps goose is cooked yours should be also.

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