
  • IF you are an AMERICAN CITIZEN and a VOTER I cant help but wonder, hOW MANY OF YOU HAVE CONTACTED YOUR SENATOR OR HOUSE MEMBER TO EXPRESS YOU DISPLEASURE OR EVEN SUPPORT OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO OUR(your nation) Every memeber of the HOUSE and SEN ATE HAVE PHONE NUMBERS AND MOST HAVE WEB SITES,  We can go on sites such as this one and express our displeasure and thats great but it does absolutely nothing to stop what is happening in WASHINGTON. I encourage each and every one of you to get in contact with your SENATOR and HOUSE MEMBER and express how you feel, The truth is simple CONGRESS has no concern for those that pay NO ATTENTION But they get very concerned when they realize we are paying attention. WE HAVE TO WAKE UP AND LET WASHINGTON KNOW WE ARE AWAKE AND ALERT AND WE DONT APPROVE OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

  • Stop coming up with huge bills. One thing at a time! 

  • Justwhat is the Uniparty being using to strongarm these naive Speakers?

    Mike Johnson doesn't look particularly greedy, so I doubt it is money.

    I cannot see the Johnson fellow in the stable with a barnyard no photos.

    He spent effort and time in his beginning with several e-mails working to establish his sincerity credential.

    But in the end, all he may of done is outlast McKarthy by perhaps a few months.

    The MAGA directives were stupid simple:

    Either require the immediate securement of the southern border and afford

    reasonable time to review this budget extension (around 1000 pages this time),


    suffer government shutdown while postions are irreconcilable.

    How difficult is this to understand, and why so?

  • why have a congress 

    • How can we have laughingstocks, without someone to put in the stocks? 

       With Hillary Clintons recent FEC fine, may I suggest for her also: 




  • johnson is just another establishment hack who supports the one world global dictatorship!!!!!  He is no different than boehner, ryan, and mccarthy : TREASONOUS globalists all.  If we cannot get a true conservative in as speaker and have the majority of the caucus behind him/her the nation is lost and America will become just another 3rd world toilet ruled by satanic globalists!!!!!  I pray daily for a revival that will bring America back to God before it is too late!!!!!!!!!!

    • On the mark Bob...

      Johnson IS NOT NIEVE...he is a conniving, liar whose true colors were exposed as soon as he achieved a position of real power.  This Christian needs an education in the caretaker of others' wealth and power... He certainly doesn't seem to understand God's precepts for governing and commerce... a just measure and a Godly scale 

      1. Leviticus 19:35-36:

        “You shall do no wrong in judgment, in measurement of weight, or capacity. You shall have just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a jus...1

      2. Deuteronomy 25:13-16:

        “You shall not have in your bag differing weights, a large and a small. You shall not have in your house differing measures, a large and a small. You shall have a full and just weight; you shall have a full and ju...1

      3. Proverbs 16:11:

        “A just balance and scales belong to the Lord; all the weights of t...2

      These verses emphasize honesty, integrity, and fairness in business transactions. They remind us to use accurate weights and measures, treating others justly, and avoiding deception... they abhor lying weights and measures... deception, and abuse of one's power for wrongful gain... any wrongful gain.

      He needs to resign ... and do the honorable thing if he can not keep his word or adhere to the GOP Party Planks and core values.  Compromise is the mother of all evil... once, that door is open it is nearly impossible to close.

      11 Bible verses about Weights And Measures, Laws
      A topical Bible which shows the most relevant Bible verse for each topic
  • Mike Johnson needs to be knocked out of the leadership position with the most haste.  Is he a republican or a dempcrap in sheep's clothing.  He is defenatily NOT a Conservative.

    • johnson is a devildemocommiecrat vwith an R behind his name, like the majority in the gop he IS NOT a conservative!!!!!  There are a few conservatives but far too few!!!!!!!!!!


  • In case you were wondering what's in the massive bill that Congress rushed to sneak through in the middle of the night - here you go:

    - $850k for a gay senior home
    - $15 million to pay for Egyptian's college tuitions
    - $400k for a gay activist group to teach elementary kids about being trans
    - $500k for a DEI zoo
    - $400k for a group to gives clothes to teens to help them hide their gender

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