
Police have officially declared a deadly stabbing spree in Reading, England, a “terrorist incident”. Video footage on social media showed multiple people with serious injuries being treated by emergency workers in Forbury Gardens after a reportedly unrelated Black Lives Matter event in the area.

This report is being updated as new information emerges; all times local.\

Early reports had indicated that police were “understood to be treating the incident as a random attack” but shortly afterwards sources began telling news outlets that it was in fact “terror-related”.

The position had switched again by Sunday morning, with Thames Valley Police saying the stabbing spree was “not currently being treated as a terrorism incident”, followed by the current line that actually it was a “terrorist incident” at around 11 a.m.

UPDATE: 7:45 a.m. Thames Valley Police have released a statement saying the multiple stabbing in Reading, England, which has left three dead and three seriously injured is “not currently being treated as a terrorism incident, however officers are keeping an open mind as to the motivation for the incident and are being supported by colleagues from Counter Terrorism Policing South East.”

The Guardian has reported that domestic security service MI5 is also assisting, and reports show masked and heavily armed officers raiding a block of flats near the scene of the crime.

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