Will someone stand up and answer this question? "Why is it the left can harass, harangue, call names, even do violence against Conservatives then call Conservatives haters, Racists, Psychotic, and the system supports them with no legal consequences?

Let a Conservative speak out against the perverted agendas of the left and they are automatically wrong, considered criminals, Transphobic, and are usually charges with some made up crime under the color of law? It's time to stand up and fight back with everything we have. If we don't we might as well just give up and allow the evil bast*rds to win.

What are we afraid of? Being called Racists, so what. Being arrested and put on trial, so what. If they win, we will all be put on trial or in slave labor camps if we don't affirm their perversions and Totalitarian behavior. Guess what, it's already happening.

Read the Bill; 



This bill, put out by one of the Hard Left Lunatics who happens to be an elected Representative, contains many items that are repugnant to free Americans who believe in right and wrong.

How did we let it get this far?

How did less than 20% of the population get the power over the other more than 80%?

If like the Left constantly says that America is a Democracy, then the left must sit down and shut up because over 50%+1 have spoken.




The future is already here, and it's up to us to put it back to rights before they decide to create gulags for the average law abiding American Citizen.


The time has come for every American Veteran, Police Officer, Military Member, Conservative Politician, and average American to stand up united against the Perversions of the Left/Elites/NWO/WEF and shut them down for good. 


I am not advocating doing violence, but I am advocating an active response of self defense when threatened with violence of any kind b e it Woke lawsuits, to actual violent acts and our response should be to respond appropriately to those actions with whatever legal force is necessary to stop them..

The Tradesman

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  • Be abuse we usuall6 shake our head and dismiss them as the idiot they are, but the left screams and yellls, repeats until they have a group supporting them.

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