Let the 25 States supporting Texas pass the following State Referenda...   petitioning and encouraging  Congress to::

1. Draft Articles of Impeachment against the US President and key officers in his administration... let each state legislature craft sample articles of impeachment for treason, bribery, and other High Crimes and misdemeanors for the  President and key officers of his administration.  Nothing in the Constitution or statutory law keeps the States from offering 'Draft Articles of Impeachment' to be considered by the House.

2. Draft and Pass Articles of War ... Let each state legislature draft a referendum to petition Congress for a declaration of war... Congress has the power to declare War, not the President.  Let Congress pass articles of war targeting the illegal aliens as belligerents... as proxies for their Home States.  Give the Nations listed 90 days to remove the invaders or face invasion.

3. Apply with Congress for an Article 5 Convention... to propose a Recall and Term Limits Amendment and other amendments as deemed appropriate.  Encourage the Article 5 Convention to pass a 'Recall and Term Limits Amendment.  Recall  ALL of the existing elected and appointed members of the current government, subject to new elections and appointments. Establish Term Limits for all elected and appointed offices... OneTerm 6yrs, with 1/3rd standing for election and appointment every 2 years. Break the back of incumbency and lobbyists. Establishes one term as the limit for service in an elected or appointed office.

Follow up the Referendum to Congress from the States with state legislation to

1.) Mobilize the State's Militia ... refuse federalization of the NG.  Inform the administration of the NG  mobilization as State Militia.

2.) Put the Federal Government on notice that any interference with the State's militia will result in immediate detention, indictment, and trial for interfering with the operation of the State Militia.

3). Declare limited martial law targeting the removal of belligerent illegal aliens and guaranteeing every state in the Union a Republican form of government.

Once, the militia is mobilized... proceed to secure the border and interior from illegal aliens and their criminal presence in the US.  Do not obey illegal orders or treasonous acts by the current administration.



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  • Bumpity bump... 

  • Let President Trump prepare for massive rallies in DC and every state capitol... we must not let this administration create a civil war... we must IMMPEACH or force Biden and ALL Of his Administration's resignations.

    It is time for the RNC to fully support Pres. Trump... starting with a careful and informative video that explains the E: LECTION THEFT that took place in 2020 and appears to be ready to repeat itself in the 2024  Election...The RNC/GOP must call for the lawful removal of Pres. Biden and his administration.

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