
A Georgia State Representative ignited the internet this week when she made a post on social media in which she shared two photos and referenced that the pictured law enforcement officials were Klan members.

State Representative Park Cannon, a Democrat from Albany, posted on her public official Facebook page Tuesday  in response to the legislature’s approval of HB 838, which establishes a Peace Officers Bill of Rights under Georgia law. The measure passed the same day as the hate crimes legislation.

The pictures by Park showed a handful of state troopers and Colonel Gary Vowell of the Georgia Department of Public Safety with an excerpt about legislation to protect “those who kill us,” referencing law enforcement. Park also used the hashtag “KlanAtTheCapitol” and chastised the Troopers for sitting outside the House Chamber of the Capitol, which has been largely empty for the end of the legislative session for social distancing purposes.

As the post made its way around social media Thursday, Park deleted the post and began deleting and banning commenters who called on her to apologize to Vowell. Though she deleted the post, screenshots continued to circulate.

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