
  • Joe Bidden is not alone... both political parties are colluding in one way or another in a joint effort to line their pockets and fundamentally transform America into a third-world failed State... Feel like you are on a merry-go-round going nowhere.. Ask a politician where America is heading and after they respond you will know you are on a merry-go-round to nowhere.

    Treason is well funded, deeply rooted, and supported by both political parties... the GOP/RNC is the opposite side of the Big Governmetn conspiracy coin... flip it and it will always come up with more government and less freedom.  The dupes in the GOP/RNC think they can dance with the Devil and not get burnt... that they can cut themselves a better deal in a New World Order, where they have a seat at the oligarch's table...ONLY to awake shortly to find the seat they have is the HOT SEAT in an American Gulag.

    America has been sold out by its leadership... many of whom claim to be patriots working to save America. ONLY... their version of salvation is a chain gang in the new world order's plantation. These dupes have either directly participated or willingly looked the other way while their cohorts built the apparatus that has become the State's gulag, a wage slave economy, which is their version of liberty and saving America.

    The traitor is silently sealing all the doors of escape... waiting for the final door to slam shut before announcing the new world order has arrived.  Welcome to Amerika your bunk is just over there next to the toilet and sink... breakfast is whatever moves slow enough to catch and lunch and dinner are to be announced when ready. 

  • A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

    Discover Marcus Tullius Cicero famous and rare quotes. Share Marcus Tullius Cicero quotations about age, virtue and war. "A nation can survive its fo…
    • P/S

      Politicians are not born; they are excreted.

      TOP 25 QUOTES BY MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO (of 1040) | A-Z Quotes
      Discover Marcus Tullius Cicero famous and rare quotes. Share Marcus Tullius Cicero quotations about age, virtue and war. "A nation can survive its fo…
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