
Well, Hunter and Joe aren’t the only ones going down in a ball of flames thanks to Hunter’s “Hard Drive From Hell.”

The so-called “conservative” pollster Frank Luntz, who is also a well-known “Trump hater” was just outed as a total and complete fraud, thanks to Hunter’s emails.

The email takes place back during the 2012 election when Romney and Ryan were trying to take down Obama and Biden.

Hunter sends Frank an email, a bit shocked, and peeved that when Frank was on TV discussing political ads (and possibly their validity) he didn’t slam a “China/Jeep” ad put out by team Romney. This appears to make Hunter upset and he calls Frank out on it.

Hunter goes and whines for a bit, and basically wants to know why Fank would ignore the “Jeep/China” ad that Hunter thinks is “fake”…but it’s Frank’s reply that is the real eye-opener.

Frank basically tells Hunter that he didn’t “help” them out and slam the ad because Joe had “snubbed ” him. Luntz bellyaches about that like a teenage girl, even mentioning that he’s talked to Beau – Hunter’s brother – about it his hurt feelings.


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