
  • One doesn't dance with the Devil and then expect to reap from God's harvest or to eat from His table...  A double-minded man receives nothing from God.  The righteous don't stand in the way with sinners. They don't covenant with the unrighteous and expect to reap good from their misplaced trust.  Evil men don't keep their word, nor do they have a problem with betrayal, and lying is part of their lexicon of deceit.  Making agreements with such men is foolish and should not be expected to bear the promised fruit... 

    Evil men speak with a double tongue... promising what they have no intention of delivering... their way is paved with the language of dissimulation and betrayal...  We are warned by the Lord to separate such men from our company and to 'refuse' their counsel.  All the plans of the unrighteous are laid upon the soil of deceit and are full of hidden pitfalls. 

    Trust not the tongue of betrayal ... once exposed it needs to be cut out.

  • The only way we are going to break the RNC is to organize and train individuals on how to infiltrate and take over the 'County' GOP Party Organizations... too, then take over the State, and finally, the Republican National Committee (RNC)   The RNC is full of and run by RINOs... Globalists and Corpratist...  The true patriot and conservative base in America have no party. that represents them

  • McCarthy BETRAYED his base and demonstrated he IS NOT a conservative... the motion to vacate will not carry and like everything McCarthy it was a PHONY pledge.

    • .....and we will still vote Republican up & down the ballot, and we will still accept the gop leadership no matter what. How can we expect a spine from people like MTG or Boebert, when we act without a spine ourselves? 

    • Leadership... builds courage, inspires the weak, and motivates the fearful to act...

      We lack leadership capable of doing what is needed... Anyone who has experienced combat knows what I speak of... Men all have degrees of fear... if left unattended SUCH FEAR can immobilize large numbers of individuals...however, good leaders command the respect of their soldiers and are able to instill the courage needed for men to perform their duty ... Too, face their fears. Military units FEED off such leadership and the courage of a few.. to instill courage in the many... out of esprit and respect for one another... out of a unified identity...  and common cause... out of the honor they hold for one another.

      I have seen the face of fear turn to rage and from rage to measured resistance and the courage to stay the course against superior numbers... more than once .. I have seen the fearful turn from their fear to rescue their buddy at great personal risk... So please don't tell me about fear or how people will react when they are forced to act.

    • What does fear have to do with this? Fear like any negative emotion (anger, hatred, etc) leads to bad decisions. Everyone who ever cracked a book on psychology knows that. Your story about combat proves it, too. The leader isn't afraid. He makes good decisions and the fearful cling to him, follow him blindly, which is a bad decision on the part of the fearful, of course. 

    • You commented in an above post, saying:  "How can we expect a spine from people like MTG or Boebert, when we act without a spine ourselves? "  I assumed the lack of spine had something to do with FEAR... and how individuals often fail to act, out of fear.  Leaders often FEAR... However, they harness their fear, keep it hidden and use it to focus their attention on urgent matters of vital importance.  Fear is a universal nemesis and anyone who says they have never feared is simply posturing. 

    • I agree. Fear is a powerful driver and we all have experienced it. It is also one of the human emotions that lead to bad decision making. Demagogues buy into the fear of people and make them even do things that they know aren't right. Just look at how the radical left manipulates the American people from craddle to grave by invoking their fears.

    • As stated earlier... good leaders harness their fears and those they lead... turning fear into an ally rather than an enemy...  Fear is a powerful motivator and when leaders have the CONFIDENCE of those they lead ... fear takes a back seat to faith and trust to pull down their enemies.  The problem today is we have leaders that REGULARLY BETRAY THEIR CONSTITUENTS and the people have lost ALL confidence in the traditional parties...  Pres. Trump being the exception has the confidence of the people but lacks the needed support of the entrenched political powers.

      Hence the crisis we find ourselves in is one of leadership's failure to amalgamate the support needed to bring about the needed changes in government.  Much of the problem is the result of poor quality of leadership helming our ship of state.. they all need refitting or termination.


    • It is easy to jump on the bandwagon... to seek unanimity among the crowd. However, it takes real strength and moral rectitude to inform the driver he is headed for a cliff... It takes courage to go against the grain.  Boarding a wagon with a history of falling apart and ending up at the bottom of a cliff may call for immediate action and a change of operators before the band ends up in the ditch with broken spines. 

      The GOP must stop snatching defeat from the jaws of victory... Maybe it's time to vocalize our concern over who is driving the wagon and the road he chooses to take.

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