Stop the Steal - Start the Audit

Trump Strong - Imgflip

Yes, it is true.

Philadelphia did in fact keep poll watchers out. The baloney propaganda that they were allowed in to do their job is, as the censors of Facebook might say, “partly false.”

Quite clearly, once allowed into the polling place they were told they had to stand six feet away from the person doing the counting. (And only after a storm of complaints was the distance whittled down from over three times as far to six feet.) Plain old-fashioned common sense says there is no way in the world anyone can thoroughly examine a ballot from six feet away. The poll watchers should have been masked and seated at the same table as the counter. If no social distancing is OK for social justice protests and election celebrations, then no social distancing is most certainly OK for poll watchers.

In other words, what we have witnessed in Philadelphia is nothing short of a brazen theft of an election - right in front of our eyes.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has announced that lawsuits will be filed on Monday.

But well above and beyond the law suits is the urgent need for an audit of all votes cast - an audit conducted directly under the eyes of a Trump and a Biden poll watcher.

If Joe Biden wants “unity” then he needs to get on the stick and demand that audit - a recount. On Saturday thousands of angry Pennsylvanians gathered on the steps of the State Capitol in Harrisburg for a “Stop the Steal” rally. I spoke, the crowd cheering when I said “Stop the steal - start the audit.”

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  • I have a video from 2018 or 2019 election that clearly shows voter counting fraud.

    I don't live in a swing there anything we can do to help stop the coup on our president? It seems like in a swing state they have the sheriffs and courts refusing to do their job. I don't know what is happening in a contested state. Are there teaparty members protesting? What can I do today to help in the fight? I've already written my rep/senators, FOX, Bill Barr. I've tried getting the above video spread around. Thank God we still have some in the media that are trying to speak but I think they are going to try to get rid of them one by one until there is no one left that is on a major network to speak for us and expose the corruption.
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