Strassel: Ukraine War Has “Reset Energy Politics”
2022-03-18T022429Z_3_LYNXNPEI2H01V_RTROPTP_4_GLOBAL-OIL-DEMAND-400x269.jpg 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 600w, 450w" alt="" width="400" height="auto" />

And, she says, everybody seems to know it except President Joe Biden. From the story: The Joe Biden who showed up Monday at his first in-person fundraiser as president sounded like a man in a time warp. “Let me begin by saying: [Climate change] is the existential threat to humanity,” he opened, proceeding to recite an environmental agenda identical to the one he campaigned on. Ukraine got one mention, and only then as further reason why Americans (among other things) need to “weatherize homes and businesses” (WSJ).From Senator Ted Cruz: Biden refuses to unleash American energy because he is beholden to the Green New Deal radicals in the Democrat Party (Twitter).

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  • Someone slap the idiot and snap him into reality! We have WWII looming and he's worried about homes being weatherized! Maybe he should look at the toxic smoke all,over the Ukraine and send them planes so they can end this!
    Lucky we are heading into summer and have a bit of time to figure out how we will heat our homes next winter with the prices he is forcing on us.

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