
  • Students are just saying what they are teach at school our children are controlled by a socialist ideals and we must save our education from them 

  • This young man prefaces his question on a fallacy and false narrative regarding Pres. Trump...  He stated:  "It's undeniable that at best he is the most morally corrupt President in modern history..." This misguided individual is obvious the product of the Public Schools and the propaganda of the left.

    I will never forget my Grandmother's advice... concerning selecting friends and closely monitoring who my children associate with... Friends and authority figures often play a powerful role in forming our children's character. These associations are doubly important where authority figures and cultural heroes are concerned.  We must pay close attention to who our children associate with, and the messages they bring to their lives. Children often emulate their friends and social icons. They help form their world views on nearly every topic and moral issue of importance.

    There is an adage that applies... birds of a feather flock together. Children seek guidance and want positive role models if parents are not careful about selecting their children's friends, associates, and role models they will select their own and the outcome may not be desirable... or optimal.  If you want the best for your children pay attention to where they roost and spend their time... direct it or they will.

    • Well said!!

  • I could watch liberal idiots get schooled by a conservative all day and never get tired of it.

  • I just love the vague, blanket statements and talking points that are constantly being made by the left.  For example, "Trump is a liar. Trump is a racist. Trump is homophobic, Trump is morally corrupt."  These people are never able to back their statements up with any specific examples, though.  Because there aren't any.

  • Just another brainwashed kid by the public school system

    • YUP!!  He will live at home forever and never amount to anything useful.

  • Maybe this idiot better look up the word immoral.  (Oh wait, he is probably a libertad - they are allergic to research) He clearly doesn't know what the word means.  Let's look at Biden, who may well have had his first wife killed, so he could marry the sub-human who is now the  First Slut of the United States.  How bad is our education system when meanings of words are not being taught. 

  • Public schools have been INDOCTRINATING our kids for DECADES, I hope it doesn't take DECADES to straighten them out! 2022 will be a GOOD START if everyone VOTES!

  • Until the truth hits them in the face (after they are in the workforce and away from their socialist professors) they will continue to parrot the junk they are tought!

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