
  • This is exactly what President Donald J. Trump warned us about when he ran against hitlary: a president who is under constant criminal investigation. Trump prevented this from happening by defeating hitlary in a landslide and now we have an imposter in the White House, who is just like hitlary would have been, under constant criminal investigation.

  • I don't think anyone really believes that Grassley and Comer really believe that they will get the recores they want from the FBI.  Even if they did, the records would be so badly retacted that they would be useless!

  • I would love to see Biden taken out of the White House in cuffs

  • I understand all branches of our government are corrupt. Have been for a long time. What I don't understand why Americans keep voting for mostly democrat criminals. They even managed to corrupt our elections. America is on a path of total destruction. The only way to fix it is DON'T VOTE DEMOCRAT!

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