RBG and the Notorious Meme-ification of Female Leaders | GEN

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in a statement on Friday that she is being treated for liver cancer but that she remains able to work “full steam.”

The 87-year-old said that she began a course of chemotherapy in May to treat a recurrence of cancer after a February scan revealed lesions on her liver. 

 “Immunotherapy first essayed proved unsuccessful. The chemotherapy course, however, is yielding positive results. Satisfied that my treatment course is now clear, I am providing this information,” Ginsburg said in the statement. 

Ginsburg, a liberal, is the court’s eldest justice. Her health has become the subject of public concern because a vacancy on the nine-judge panel could allow President Donald Trump to nominate a conservative replacement. The court currently has a 5-4 majority of Republican-appointed justices. 

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  • I'm thinking we need to have one of the Obummercare health panels analyze the costs benefits of continuing her medical care.

    • They won't; after all, she's rich (on our dime)  and an elitist communist who's above the fray, so she can afford everything the people can't. Disgusting hypocrisy.


  • She knows she's through. Refuses to retire because of pressure from the left. She has done her job and now it's time to go and live out the rest of her life with dignity.

  • Sweet...

  • There ought to be term limits on judges and congress. 12 years total for each member in all 3 capacities. 

  • People like this old anti American hag should be shipped to russia; and take john roberts with her. Conservatives can only count on Alito and Thomas. The other 3 so-called conservatives can go either way. All 3 have disappointed conservatives with their anti American rulings on daca and lgdbqscy rulings. If these 3 derelicts led us to believe they were conservatives what chance does President Trump have of finding real conservatives to appoint next time.

  • Unfortunately, john roberts turned out to be a closet marxist, so, in reality, the Supreme court is made up of 5 commies and 4 Patriots. The hand of GOD will determine darth vadre ginsberg's fate.

  • could this be metastatic lesions from the cancer she had from either the colon or pancreas? Robert D. 

  • She's worse than a liberal; she's a downright communist and never should have been put on the Court. What a travesty.

  • Actually it's 4 to 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, roberts has lost his mental capasity!!  You know this by looking @ that SEG on his face..  !BONED Y'A AGAIN !

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