
The Supreme Court ruled in an 8-1 decision Monday that a Georgia college’s speech code policy violated the First Amendment and that a student who was harmed by the policy can seek damages.

Justice Clarence Thomas issued the opinion of the court Monday, siding with Chike Uzuegbunam, a former student at Georgia Gwinnett College, and affirming his right to share his Christian faith on campus.

The opinion reversed an Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision, which said Uzuegbunam didn’t have the standing to sue the college over its policy that severely restricted his speech.

“The Supreme Court has rightly affirmed that government officials should be held accountable for the injuries they cause,” Kristen Waggoner, general counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, said in a statement Monday.

“When public officials violate constitutional rights, it causes serious harm to the victims.”

In 2016, Uzuegbunam was told that he needed to use one of two “speech zones,” which made up less than 1 percent of the entire campus, if he wanted to continue sharing his Christian faith on campus, according to ADF.

Uzuegbunam complied, but minutes after speaking in a reserved zone, campus police threatened him with discipline if he continued.

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  • The democrat party uses intimidation to keep their agenda going as we all know it, but we have to find a way of stopping the liberal communist fascist takeover of biteme and his gestapo .

    • The only power capable of stoping the Marxist rests with the several States... our RED STATES apparently are not... red... they are silent and apparently DEAD ... we are a conservative nation without LEADERS... The bums claiming to lead us are pathetic.  There are several things they could but are not doing... beginning with meeting together in a conference of governors and legislature to organize a united front to the election fraud. Every Red State should immediately pass a Referendum finding the Election a Fraud and serve notice on the President, SCOTUS, and Congress, demanding new and properly supervised elections.

      In addition, they should confer on and agree to pass Anti-commandeering and NULLIFICATION legislation... striping all but the enumerated Constitutional powers granted to the Federal Government by state statutory legislation.  They should by proclamation and state statutory law declare all Presidential Executive Orders as extra-constitutional and void unless Constitutional authority is cited and correct.  Unconstitutional orders must be declared unenforceable, and all federal agencies and officers put on notice, that attempts to force state officials or to deny the civil and constitutional rights for their Citizens using such orders will result in the arrest, indictment, and imprisonment of the Federal Official(s) involve.  There are several other issues that the states can immediately exercise using the 9th and 10th Amendments to reign in the Federal Government.  I have posted many of them on other blogs here.  

      However, it is my opinion that the State's Executives and Legislatures are unwilling to act... they are merely the second string, farm teams of the Marxist, running the federal government. They are part of the problem, not the solution. Their lack of response to the stolen election and current rouge actions in DC speak to their failed response to the open fraud and coup that took place in November of 2020.  The GOP/RNC and their Red State allies are hopeless failures as leaders... They appear unwilling and incapable of doing what they all know can and must be done, but won't.  Why?  Because they may have to use force of arms in defending their soverign rights and those of their citizens.  Frankly, they are not up to the task... they are pleased to take their pay and use what limited power the Federal Government gives them.  They remind me of the partisan Jews who turned in their own kind for a few extra days before joining the stacked dead bodies of their neighbors... all, while the Nazis looked on.

      I might just be a little disappointed and upset... but a spade is a spade and we have lots of spades in key executive positions... state officials who are willing to let their children and neighbors be sacrificed to retain their seats of power. I find them reprehensible. 

  • The one who dissented was Roberts; I'm beginning to believe he's more than compromised, I believe he's lost a bunch of his marbles.  Must be all the blackmail pressure he's been under these past twelve, or  thirteen years.

    • If he had any honor left he would resign... but such men find no limit to their excesses and personal gratification... power is what drives them to betray their own kind... too, eat their young and our nation's heritage.

  • The only Supreme Coward that voted against the 1st Ammendment (FREE SPEECH) WAS THE ONE WHO CONSISTANTY VOTES AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION and the AMERICAN PEOPLE!  ROBERTS!!

    • "Supreme Coward;" I like that one!


  •  Roberts was the only dissenting Justice.. go figure he is supposed to be Catholic.

    • We refer to cowards like him as CINOs - Catholic In Name Only. They do an incredibly bad disservice to the Church and to humanity. Sickening.


  • I was and still am disappointed that Clarence Thomas was not named Chief Justice. He's the best of the bunch, unlike wimpy Roberts, et al.

    • Roberts was the choice of GWB, and he appointed him as Chief Coward.  GWB said Roberts was a Constitunalist, another lie by GWB!  Planning for a New World Order Just like daddy GHB!


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