Markson Marrible (@Drmarkson) | Twitter

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who "unmasked" officials in the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, said Tuesday that President Trump is wrong when he accuses the Obama administration of spying on his campaign in 2016.

"Absolutely no, it did not happen. That is false. That is another lie designed to deflect from the president's own very bizarre relationship with Russia; to distract from the much validated reality that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump," Rice said during a discussion with Washington Post Live.


Unmasking is a term used by the intelligence community that refers to legally revealing the identity of a U.S. citizen whose communications are being monitored to learn more about that person and the case.

"President Trump is in some sort of fever dream about the Obama administration when all we tried to do was to execute, despite the Trump administration or incoming administration's reluctance, the most responsible transition we possibly could have presided over," she also said.

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