
Former Obama national security advisor Susan Rice has sold a large chunk of her Netflix shares as speculation rises that she is a top contender to be Joe Biden’s vice presidential running mate. Rice has served as a Netflix board member since 2018.

Rice exercised options to sell her shares at a price of $508.68, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday. The Wall Street Journal estimated that Rice exercised about a quarter of her options, netting about $305,000 from the sale.

A representative for Rice told the Journal that the sale has “nothing to do” with Biden’s presidential campaign.

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  • It is interesting to consider questioning that if the DNC truly believed that Hillary Clinton was cheated out of her rightful win in 2016, then why would they not demand that she be their candidate in 2020?

    The answer is that they know Trump won legitimately, and have sought to have him removed by phony charges, a phony investigation, and a phony impeachment, all based on lies. This does not remove Clinton from consideration.  So, what does?

    Rice is a proven liar. She has also proven that she will do as she is told.  Obama had those same traits.  Still does.  Hillary also. But, for some reason the DNC has looked elsewhere rather than at the "true" winner of 2016, Clinton.  Harris is capable of holding her own when it comes to lying for personal gain as well.  However, Clinton has more experience at it, and thus has more to hide. Is that a plus or a minus on her resume?  Undoubtedly a plus.

    I would not be surprised at all if Clinton emerges.  She has been at periscope depth, looking around, and waiting for the right moment to launch her attack on America. If the DNC and their controllers want her, she is armed, ready, and oh so willing to "humbly" answer the call.  I can just see it.  

    However, the democrat party is now so corrupt, so criminal, that it probably doesn't matter who it is that replaces Biden.  After all, the main purpose now is to rid the White House of Donald Trump.

    I hope I am not giving them any ideas.

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