Susan Sarandon says President Biden and the Democrats are pulling a 'bait and switch' by promising $2,000 stimulus checks then sending out $1,400 to Americans.
'Where are the $2K checks you promised? At a time when only 39% of Americans could afford a $1,000 emergency & over 15 million have lost employer-sponsored health insurance, the diff between $1,400 & $2K is a matter of survival,' she tweeted.
Biden's administration initially promised $2,000 per check to Americans.
In December, $600 checks went out under the final stimulus from Trump.
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This is disgusting. Demonrats are despicable and don't know how to be fiscally responsible. Trump would have never done such a dumb thing at this stage.
$$$$$$$ all go to the Biden mafia family
Biden is a sleaze
There want be any checks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, people!!
Just a plea and a reminder... DO NOT Sell Your Firearms Or Ammunition For ANY Reason..! Steal or beg for food if you have to.. but DO NOT Sell You Main Nessesity..!
I DESPISE THIS FUCKER AS MUCH AS I DESPISE OBAMA FRAUD..! I can't even stand to listen to or look at the Communist Bastards..!!! My Teeth are Almost Ground Down To Nubbins..!
Anyone can sit back and take this bullshit or do something about it..! I am READY to take the bastards on..! How About a Little Help Fighting The Communist Bastards..!!! I AM NOT AFRAID- Are You All???
I am sickened and simply appauled that they are actually arguing over giving the American people a mere $600.00 to a possible $2400.00 stimulas that BARELY EVEN HELPS Me , A Single Retired Old Cement Mason with a damned dog..! Don't hardly make a dent for me and I own everything I have..! I SERIOUSLY DOUBT it will do much more than buy a months worth of CHEAP NASTY GROCERIES fo a family of 3 or 4..! And We May Not Even Get Another Stimulas Payment At All..! That Way The Big Communist Government Can Starve Us Into Submission..! Even Doctors, Hospitals, Utility Companies Are Sending Warnings About Paying Them IN FULL When They Send The Very First Billing Statement Out..! Yet BIDEN And PELOSI gave Billions To Iran For Gender Studies Of Some Bullshit..!
So even the left is starting to see Joe Biden is a liar and a thief. Too bad they screwed us all with their idiocies.
That might pay 1 months rent and some food. You can starve the rest of the year. Maybe Nancy will pass out some of her expensive ice cream from her $24,000 refridgs.