![Swat Memes](https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/f9/f9c6da9541a560a5fd13fbfcf52cd340.jpeg)
On the heels of a violent mass shooting at a Buffalo, New York supermarket, the city of Newark is putting a new plan in place if police ever have to deal with an active shooter situation.
Law enforcement officials say that the concern is that Newark could be targeted, specifically schools, houses of worship or grocery stores.
The plan of protection involves making sure the city’s SWAT team is standing at the ready.
Public Safety Director Brian O’Hara says that the SWAT team will be used in small teams to patrol supermarkets and areas in the city’s business district.
@swat team??!!! This is nothing more than hypeperbaly by the left to inflate the narrative of the left. What a Joke!!
How about allowing open carry by any citizen lawfully entitled to keep and BARE ARMS... The People are the first responders against incidents of violent crime. Every citizen has the right to self-defense, the people are the front line against violent crime. By the time the Police respond to an incident of violent crime, the damage has already occurred. In the event of violent crimes, the Police generally become crime scene investigators.
Most individuals are capable of defending themselves and their neighbors if properly armed and trained. Newark Citizens have a right to walk the streets and shop in the local supermarkets without fear of being shot... they have the right to keep and bear Arms... to defend themselves and their neighbors. Mass murderers are cowards. Statistics prove where open and concealed carry are permitted fewer mass shootings occur, and when they do... the number of victims is fewer.
It is ridiculous to believe, in a city the size of Newark, that roving SWAT Teams will be where needed to prevent a mass shooting... they can be at no more than one place at a time, and are no better at deterring crime than routine police patrols. The presence of such teams will only strike fear in the hearts of many local citizens who are already struggling to cope with the threat of violence on the streets of Newark.
Absolutely spot on Colonel.
(imho) "open carry" per se is not necessarily the answer. However, "concealed carry" would put a big dent in it.
Ron, you are absolutely correct!!!!! Having citizens able to stop a mass murder is the logical answer but the political ruling class, especially devildemocommiecrats, aren't interested in stopping violence, they want totalitarian control over We the People and this is a way of getting what they want!!!!! IF they cared about safety they would be making it easier to defend ourse,ves but they are putting citizens under martial law for all practical purposes because control is what they want!!!!!!!!!
What a sad world we live in when you have to have Swat teams patrol the city.
Edie, it isn't have to, it is they want it that way so they can have the dictatorial control they lust for so much!!!!! You can bet it isn't criminals that are in their sights, it is We the People who want to live free they will target!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Clinton, obama and Biden..... They have transformed our once thriving country into a third world cess pool full of BlM and ANTIFA operatives while other, patriotic right wing organizations like OathKeepers and ProudBoys are jailed for defending what's left of our Liberties...