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  • Right on.

  • Thank you Sydney!

  • We are ready to see the executions of the Deep State criminals including Obama!!

    • Don't want to burst your bubble, but, it won't happen. No one on the conservative right has the desire to hurt the left's feelings let alone execute them. Whereas, on the otherhand, if this was the conservative right breaking these laws, they would already be dead. The left always goes for the throat, no matter how minor the offense may be. Look what they did to Seth Rich ( one of their own ), General Michael Flynn, Roger Stone ( given a death sentence with his prexisting health conditions ), Manaford. Our side spends their time wringing their hands, then just lets the crimes fade away as the leftist media propaganda machine spins them into harmless pranks. If anything was going to happen, it would have. Remember who they have in charge of the investigation, lindsey graham, he is the left's gate keeper, he will muck this up on purpose to give those culpible a free pass.

    • So much for the first black

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