
  • Cease all funds as payment for the abandoned military equipment and supplies... Send a bill to the Taliban for the balance and let them know their funds will continue to be ceased until the US is paid in full.   Inform the Taliban if they interfere with the safe evacuation of our Citizens and Afghan allies... there will be nothing but rubble left where ever they attempt to hide.  It will take them decades to recover. If they want war we will give it to them... they can choose peace by not interfering with the evacuation underway. 

    • 20 years ago American forces went into Afghanistan with the purpose to weed out the terrorists and their leader, Bin Laden, and bring them to justice, or kill them, for planning and executing the attack on 9-ll-01 on America's homeland, which resulted in the death of thousands of Americans. The attack was aimed at our financial center, our military center, and our government center.

      The result of the attack was much more than just horrific.  It was an act of all out war against the United States using our own training facilities, our own aircraft, and even our own boxcutters, to attack us on our own soil.  As such it was a total surprise, and an embarrassment, that this unsophisticated attack was successfully launched by such people, and it demonstrated how vulnerable America actually was in spite of our vaunted military and intelligence agencies designed to protect us.

      With all of our high-tech equipment and high-tech know how it still took over a decade of to find and erase Osama-Bin-Laden from the land of the living, and even that was the result of a great deal of sheer luck in locating him.  The person acting as president when Bin-Laden was finally located had no choice but that of approving taking him out, even though it is pretty clear that he really did not want to do so. His VP Biden didn't, and reportedly said so.

      After 20 years in Afghanistan the mission was unclear as to why we were there. Our troops were there to fight terrorists on their soil rather than our own, and to train Afghans to do the same. When it came to pulling out our 'brilliant commander in chief' advised and instructed by equally 'brilliant' and 'Woke' military leaders simply pulled a vanishing act, surrendering everything in the process, including honor and dignity, along with abdonment of those we had spent billions in dollars and thousands of our troops lives.

        These Afghans depended on us.  And we deserted them.  And 'Partnerd' with the enemy.  

      What in the Hell did we expect these betrayed Afghans to do other than what many of them did do?  Other than to Quit, and go home.

      Blaming the Afghans for the sins of America's sorry,stupid, incompetent, phony leadership, is another means of deflecting responsibility by attempting to pin it on others.  If the Presidency of the United States, if that Office is truly meant to be "The Leader of the Free World",  then LEAD dammit, LEAD.  Or does it mean "The Loser of the Free World".  To give up. To SURRENDER, and then blame others.  SURRENDER and plead with your enemy to let us go home, we are sorry, its supper time, and we don''t want to play anymore.

      If so, then we are an embarrassment.  Our men in this country are real MEN.  Not the sissies, not freaks with make-up, and rings hanging out of our nose, or tongue, or eyebrows, who know longer even know what gender they are. Responsible Men, who work and take care of their loved ones, who benefit society rather than just take from it as if it is their right, their choice.

      May God have mercy on all of us.


    • What did I expect the Afgan Military to do... the 300K Afghans who were opposed by 90K Taliban?  It certainly was not too dessert the field of honor without a fight... not so much as a single blow.  Not only did the Afghan Military have a 3 to 1 advantage in strength, but they also had superior training, equipment, and munitions. They had access to our intel systems, satellite imagery, airpower, and counsel, but when confronted by a rag-tag group of terrorists they chose to run. That certainly doesn't deserve a free pass to Disney World although it certainly the imagery of FANTASY.

      One thing for certain this fiasco proves one can not GIVE FREEDOM to those unwilling to maintain it... The Afgan people must secure freedom for themselves with a willingness to defend it with their lives.  It seems that their prophet Muhamad forgot to tell the Afghan Muslims in charge of their Nation that liberty is not free and doesn't come wrapped in an aid package from America. 

      No, I can't forgive them for DISHONORING the thousands of US Soldiers who died or were injured securing their future... a future... they threw away without even trying to defend it... and I can't imagine why we would invite these soulless creatures to join us in America?  No wonder we are having trouble keeping our own liberty.

    • If our non president, and those military and so called intelligence agencies that instruct him, if they truly, and sincerely, thought that 300 thousand plus Afghans, trained and equipped by our own leaders, would stand firm and continue a fight against those of their own ethnicity, in their own country, on their own sand, while we sneaked out like common theives, then our leaders are worse than Fools, much worse, and it is astonishing to see what such abject stupidity gives birth to.

      And yet we call it leadership, or a mere lack thereof, an unforseen circumstance, a consequence of error in judgement, and our hands are clean. NO, they are NOT.

      How rank stupid can we be?  Are there no limits to it?  If stupid cannot be fixed, then what reason is left for any effort to do so?

      According to the wise assessment of those derelicts mentioned above, the real enemy of America, the real terrorist, is none other than Donald J. Trump.  Do you join them in that assessment?

      In your first sentence you ask the rhetorical question, " What did I expect the Afghan Military to do...." then leave it unanswered as to your expectations with a focus on your nonexpectations. Splain this to me please. Why did we surrender, run away, and leave undone what we hopefully thought would not happen?  Biden actually publicly said it would not happen.  His assessment, like yours, is that 300 thousand will kick some 90 thousand ass should the taliban try anything.  Duh.  Really?  What idiot told you that, Joe Blow.  Milley?

      Who came up with the brilliant idea that the Afghans would stand firm in the first place?  Alfred E. Newman?  Daffy Duck?

      Our leaders ran away, peeing their panties with every stride, and then blaming it on the Afghans, those sorry sunsabit...., they tricked us. We gave em all that training, and all that stuff, and then they run away, peeing their panties with every stride, and......I wonder where they got that idea?  That's our new military strategy, isn't it?  Damned thieves.

      I  am not talking about our fine troops.  I am talking about the blowhards that supposedly lead them.   And the party and politics that they adopt and clutch rather than ever admitting that they have been had.

    • You do digress... have you forgotten the horrible oppression the Afghan people lived under during the Taliban reign of terror... how women were so badly treated and little girls sold as concubines?  Maybe your memory isn't so well-tuned as to recall the terrorist rampage and mass murder that took place under their tutelage... if you have... they are about to give you a refresher course on their despicable hedonism and horror.

      The Question... 'What did I expect the Afghan Military to do? ' was first posed by YOU, in your retort to my outrage over their mass desertion.   I will answer it again: I expected them to fight for their liberty not run for the exit market America this way... I expected that with a 3 to 1 personnel advantage, coupled with their training, US Equipment, Munitions, and our airpower that they would stand and fight... eventually defeating the Taliban.  The Taliban was a rag-tag, nothing army, of misfits and criminals... I expected the Afghans to fight and win. ...and what did we get for 20yrs of blood and treasure?  An Afghan military that failed even to appear on the field of battle...  Instead, they ran for the exit marked this way to America and Disney world.

    • I provided links in my first post to the site where one can find the authoritative estimates on the Taliban's numbers... The best estimates by NATO and US Intel put the Taliban strength at 50 - 90 thousand,  The Afghan Army had 300K members ...  they had a 3 to 1 strength advantage not to mention overwhelming equipment and intel advantage 

      There was no visible reason for their desertion other than cowardice and panic... once, people start running ... abandoning their posts and the officers do nothing... the result is mass panic and desertion.  in well-disciplined armies, deserters are summarily executed to put a stop to such panic and to restore order.  The Afgan Military all ran for the exit marked America this way... We now have tens of thousands of UNVETTED male Muslims. looking for work or a hand out in America.  

      Want to know why all the recent calamity is happening? Try Marxist asymmetrical warfare...and invasion fronting as mass migration from oppressed lands... my ass.  Wake up America your government officials are scuttling your economy and liberty ... too, yoke us all to their new world order.

    • P/S...  the US Military did its job... they are not deserting the Afghans, The Afghans have known for several years we were leaving... Our departure is not DESERTION it was scheduled. The US Military has been preparing to turn over the defense of Afghanistan to Afgahns for decades.. they are not deserting the Afghan military, the Afghan military deserted their own, and the US Military...

      America has spent enough blood and treasure preparing the Afghan military... it is now up to them to defend their homeland from the terror of the Taliban.  However, one can not GIVE LIBERTY AND FREEDOM to anyone... The Afghans have to want liberty enough to defend it. Obviously, the Afghan people think liberty comes in a US Care Package... or an invitation to migrate too the land of Disney and Walmart. Where according to the left everything is free... including liberty.,

    • Even when wrong you claim to be right. 

      Our troops did its job.  Our Military damn sure didn't.  And you know it.

      You have contacts that advise you, just as Biden does. Both Military and legal people.  And that is not necessarily a negative.  It becomes one when one regurgitates the bad advice along with the good. Oh, I know. How dare I say such a thing.

      All one need do is to take an honest look, for themselves, at what we are enduring as leaders in our government and in our military, and when you do the results of the Afghan surrender are damned easy to attach the proper cause to it.  It is not a difficult process to arrive at the cause when it is in your face apparent. 

      I am not excusing the Afghans trained and armed by us.  Two things that piss me off big time. One, if we knew that those people being trained would bolt for our shores when we "withdrew" from their country, then why in hell did we train and arm them to begin with? Two, If we did not know it, then why didn't we?  Are we that damned gullible and stupid?  Our own MIlitary leadership?  Really?

      Number three, and I must add this one.  We did not "withdraw'.  We surrendered.  We gave up and fled like a bunch of cowards in the dark, leaving all, ALL,assets to  an enemy just drooling to use them against us.  And why shouldn't the Afghans want to come here.  The whole damned world is welcomed by Biden, terrorists included.  And you are shocked at this? 

      The Biden administration, aided and abetted by the Pentagon, have declared that it is open hunting season on American citizens, there is no bag limit, and the ' game' is even providing and paying for your arms and amunition, meals, air fare, drinks, and voting rights, all on us, so come one, come all, and have a great time at Uncle Sam's expense.

      So go ahead. Regurgitate some more.

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