Liberal Meme Gallery - Politically Incorrect Humor

A media company that employs right wing talk-radio hosts, including Mark Levin, Dan Bongino, and Ben Shapiro, circulated a memo after the pro-Trump riots on Capitol Hill telling hosts to dial down allegations of election fraud, or else face termination.

Cumulus Media sent the internal memo to employees on Wednesday, according to Inside Music Media. The Atlanta-based company owns 416 radio stations throughout the country, many using a talk-radio format with local and national right-wing personalities.

“We need to help induce national calm NOW,” Cumulus’s executive vice president of content Brian Philips wrote in the memo. The company “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’”

Philips added, “If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”

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  • his is more fake news. Dan Bongino is on t and he said he was never told that. More COMMUNIST lies.

  • "Induce national calm"?  devildemocommiecrats are loudly calling for the eradication of conservatives. It sounds like "calm" on our part means to sit down, shut up, and accept communism!!!!!  I WILL NOT COMPLY and I know Mark Levin and Dan Bongino won't either.  I don't know about Shapiro, I have never heard him.

  • Would not surprise me at all; just today, FB suspended my account for 3 days, because my "comments did not meet their community (communist) standards.  Frankly, I'm surprised they haven't suspended my permanently by now.  Twitter suspended  me, permanently, two years ago and I never knew why, but frankly, could care less.

    • facebook permanently banned me in 2019 for the same lame excuse, not bowing to their satanic agenda!!!!!

  • Folks, did you vett this story?  Actually, I wouldn't necessarily doubt it myself given the present totalitarian bent of Big Tech and the dinosaur media.  But I have it from the horse's mouth that two of these radio hosts have received no such gag order from Cumulus, and further that had there been people would have been witness to fire in the sky above their respective studios.  I think this story originated at the ComPost, so consider the source.  It may be tossed on the same heap as the Russia Dossier in due time.

  • We must not rely on media companies that can silence free speech!

  • Silence all free speech. Imprisonment for dissenters. I can't believe my eyes. They are coming for us. 

  • Where were all this that worried now for calme when BLM/ Antifa were burning destroying and killing police officers do they really think we believe them.

  • The Democrats should be scaring the shit out of every freedom loving American by now.

    These people are all targets when the civil war starts. They'll be cutting us all off soon.............GOD SPEED.............LOOSE MISSILES!  We know who the enemy is.

    P.S.How many points for Dorsey?       

    • They don't scare me, just infuriate me.  I WILL NOT COMPLY with tyranny!!!!!  I am old and crippled but will oppose them as best I can.

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