
  • The grubberment has been manipulating Our health for a long time.  From spraying neighborhoods with DDT, to flouride (rat poison) in the water supply, it's really nothing new.  We've been dumbed down (flouride can reduce IQ), been sprayed upon with chemtrails, droughts, floods, fires are all part of the plan to reduce and taint Our food supply to make/keep Us sick, stupid and die one way or another.  What's new is that We're aware of it now as We never were before thanks to Our POTUS Trump revealing what's really going on in the dc swamp.  Sadly, too many are still sleeping and won't/can't wake up as We have.

  • Isn’t it about time the world finds out what exactly is the REAL purpose of these so-called vaccines. What’s in them and what do they do to the human body? Why is it so important to the New World Order that everyone takes them?

    Are they tracking devices or a method of identifying people?

    Are they meant to make the body more susceptible to diseases, cancers or other viruses?

    Are meant to make people infertile or alter the genetic makeup of future generations?

    Perhaps they are all of these things and more. Since we already know who is pushing this CRAP, we can be certain it has absolutely nothing to do with immunizing people from a manufactured virus.

    Maybe they’re meant to make you happy when you own nothing?

    • The Georgia Guidestones, that mysteriously were destroyed, laid out their agenda. 

      There's more info at link, but, it was quiet the secret as to who and what, wanted these things built. But then, they were destroyed.
      Part of the inscription is this:
      "Of greater interest, though, were ten guiding principles engraved on the stones, in eight languages, including Chinese, Sanskrit, and Swahili; they seemed to anticipate a post-apocalyptic future. The instructions ranged from the sensible (“Be not a cancer on earth—leave room for nature” and “Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts”) to the eccentric, or even troubling (“Unite humanity with a living new language” and “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”). It was, by far, the town’s most popular tourist attraction.

      What Happened to “America’s Stonehenge”?
      A mysterious stone monument in Georgia, which had been denounced as “Satanic” by a right-wing gubernatorial candidate, was blown up in July. An inves…
  • Anybody that supports this should be thrown in jail

  • Uh - the notion of vaccines in food is a TERRIBLE idea.

  • There can be only one explanation for this.  Gee, I wonder what that can be?  THEY WANT TO KILL US. 

    • They can’t kill everyone. Someone still has to collect the garbage, cut the lawn, clean the pool, etc…

    • Got it in one, Timothy!  They want the planet to themselves so they have to kill Us off, one way or another.

  • That would mean getting the vaccines at limes.

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