Tax the Rich, Lower World Population. Bulls**t!

Source;  4/3/2022



Tax the Rich, Lower World Population. Bulls**t!

​We all know the Democrats "allegedly" champion the working class and want to "eliminate" or severely lower the "Tax Cuts" to the rich they call by the politicized term "Welfare for the Rich". It's utterly amazing that so many Americans still believe that pack of lies. Biden wants to "Invest" in America and to quote his speech writers "Build Back Better". 

They keep harping on the old standard political hackneyed phrase, " The Rich and the Corporations are finally going to "pay their fair share" because they are going to "Tax the Rich".  This is unmitigated Bulls**t! They know all the corporate taxes on profits just like the sales taxes are passed along to the working class consumer. The really Rich like the Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and all those like them, just get insider trading and other perks to make up for far more than what they are "Taxed". [Example: Nancy Pelosi's Husband Buys Millions in Electric Vehicle Stocks as Democrats Push Green Energy Handouts. I ask you, doesn't this look a lot like insider trading? ] However, they have probably finally killed the Goose that laid the golden egg.

I am speaking about the (estimated) $130 Trillion debt they have currently saddled the US with by insanely overspending on programs like Green Energy and crippling the other reliable fossil fuel and nuclear fueled energy industries. We are now in a severe inflationary spiral and added to that fact, is the recent move by Putin to demand payment for his fossil fuels in the Rubles which are now backed by a gold standard. The Chinese are also moving to back their yuan by gold. These moves will decimate the American economy which has been based on fiat currency which up until now was backed by the selling of debt instead of either gold or saleable goods. 

The US Dollar once being the reserve currency which was the required currency to purchase oil, is no longer true. What is happening is investors and nations holding USD are dumping them on the market. America will soon be called to task to redeem that $130 Trillion in debt, and there is no way we can do it. We are headed to a time of hyperinflation that will make Post WWI Germany's hyper inflation look like a picnic in the park. 

The one thing that could have saved us is the unequalled food production we were once capable of. That capability has been hamstrung by the Democrats over the years by paying farmers to not plant crops for a profit. The Biden Administration has already implemented that idiocy; Biden pays farms to STOP - EU out of Feed - Meat taxes & Chicken permits - Up to you to GROW FOOD! .

We are in a perfect storm scenario, brought about by the overlords who control the Left worldwide, and the Democrat Party here in the US. Their goal has always been to destroy us and the American Dream of competent self reliant independent individuals who neither serve or rule. Instead leaders have decided that the world population is far exceeding the ability of the planet to feed them. 

This directly impacts the economy and predisposes those in control to crash it to induce a population thinning through famine. This is where we find ourselves as a race of humans once again. See the 11/95 article Depopulation of a Planet Thinning Out The "Useless Eaters" a report by Rick Martin; to gain a long term insight of what has been ongoing from at least 1798, from an essay published by Thomas Malthus, to present day.


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