NationalSchoolWalkout Organizer Tamika Mallory Praised SPLC ...

Unbeknown to most Americans, over the past few decades, the U.S. government has been quietly subsidizing one of the vilest, most hateful groups in America - the Nation of Islam.

The Nation of Islam is headed by the notoriously racist and antisemitic Louis Farrakhan.

Farrakhan is known for spreading vicious lies about Jewish people, referring to Jewish people as "wicked Jews," accusing them of perpetrating a fictitious "black African Holocaust" and of "sucking our blood." In one of his interviews, Farrakhan claimed that "Hitler was a very great man." Farrakhan also hates Christians and gays, though with less oomph. 

The Nation of Islam believes that white people are unnatural lab creations, designed by an evil Black wizard, not by God. That is why they refer to white people as "blue-eyed devils" and "white devil." The religion believes in aliens and is awaiting UFOs to rescue them in a type of apocalyptic deliverance battle that will defeat the White domination of the planet. Naturally, they are good friends with Scientologists. Farrakhan has even encouraged Whites to convert to Scientology, saying, "All white people should flock to L. Ron Hubbard," to stop living as "a devil Christian" or "a satanic Jew."

In 1986, Louis Farrakhan was banned from entering the United Kingdom due to his racially and religiously divisive rhetoric. He remains banned today. 

But the unalert United States government didn't seem to notice Farrakhan's racist, vitriolic discourse. 

Since 1991, according to the Chicago Tribune, "Nation [of Islam] affiliated security firms have won more than $15 million in federal contracts to patrol housing developments in nine cities, including Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Washington, D.C." And, in 1993, "Louis Farrakhan approved a deal that helped rescue Chicago Housing Authority Chairman Vince Lane from a personal financial disaster."

In 1994, a Republican congressman from New York, Peter T. King, discovered that the U.S. government was giving millions of dollars to the Nation of Islam via a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) contract, an estimated $20 million to $30 million per year. The money was paid to a "security" firm associated with the Nation of Islam to provide public housing security in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh.

In 2002, Louis Farrakhan's farm "charity" began collecting federal farm aid. By 2015, Farrakhan accrued nearly $160,000 in federal subsidies. Yet, according to Fox News, Farrahkan's "program has no record of ever being a charity with the Illinois Attorney General Office, which oversees the state's 501(c)(3) nonprofits." And, while the farm is supposedly located in Georgia, the federal subsidies are received at Farrakhan's Illinois home. And, Adam Andrzejewski, the founder of, questioned the taxpayer subsidy altogether - "Why is Farrakhan's charity allowed to receive federal money? This is no longer about farm policy; it's merely a transfer mechanism from one set of Americans who pay taxes to another set who know how to game the system." 

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