
  • Taxpayers fund schools.  Taxpayers elect school boards.  It seems to me taxpayers should have a lot more control over what schools teach, how much teachers are paid, and how schools operate.  My child  long ago graduated from high school, but I intend to be a lot more active in local school operations and politics.  If I had a child in public school, I would be a constant force in school issues.  Parents need to start giving a damn about what is going on in the schools their chldren attend.

    • Parents have lost control of their school boards and management... the unions and liberal democrats have marginalized parents treating them as children and ignorant dupes.  Most School Boards only allow 3-5 min. statements to be made in their public meetings... they denigrate, intimidate and dismiss parents as nut cases, thus discouraging their input and often completely ignore it.

      To make matters worse... most school boards no longer set the agenda, curriculum, and or focus on the education of their student population... that is done at the State Level BY UNSEEN bureaucrats and their Federal Counter Parts... School Boards are more rubber stamps than managers.  As for the Board's power to manage personnel... administrators and teachers, lots of luck, as the unions have effectively locked most of them out of that business long ago.  It is very difficult to fire or discipline teachers and administrators WHO HAVE UNION SUPPORT... as long as teachers and administrators don't buck the UNION they are largely safe from termination or serious disciplinary measures by the School Board.

      Like the Federal and now State Governments the people... the public and parents, have lost control of the Public School system it will be easier to defund them and to give vouchers to parents who can then shop for their children's education in a market based system that would soon find the public schools without students or funds.

    • I fear it is not so much a case of parents losing control as it is a case of parents relinquishing control.

  • Teachers should not be allowed to unionize.  All public employee unions should be outlawed.  In many public school systems today many teachers are incompetent to teach, and many teachers are in the job only to indoctrinate, not educate.  Public education is a joke.  There was a time when Latin was taught in high school.  Now, many college freshmen must take remedial English.  Equality in education should mean that each student has the same opportunity to learn.  To measure equality of education in terms of outcome is to deny the simple fact that not every student has the same ability to learn, or the same desire to learn.  They don't.  One sad fact is certain.  The cabal that wants to destroy American society is succeeding partly through the dumbing down of America.  That is happening every day in American schools. 

  • The teachers unions need to be taken down.  There is no way there should be any public sector unions.

  • Manyh of these current Teachers were taught in schools just as incompetant as they are now. GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS

    • Absolutely, take your children out of Public Schools and work to defund them... place 'defunding initiatives on the ballot or demand vouchers.  Don't let the Teachers Union hold your children hostage to a Marxist ideology... enroll them in private online education courses run by Christian Educators... there are many out there with great reputations and low-cost tuition.... ABEKA is one of the programs my wife and I used for our children... one is a nurse and the other has a Ph.D. in Chemistry and a 6 figure salary... We used the video home school program as computers were relatively unheard of during their school years.  That course is still available.

  • It's starting!!!.........I can feel it!!!

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