
  • Time for Boehner and the rest of his kind get lost you are not the Conservative party We the People are taking our country back and you have no role on our movement 

    • I agree with you.

  • John Boehner? This loser is only speaking up now because he's trying to hawk his stupid book. When he was Speaker he did everything he could not to stand up to the democrats and any Republican that did was met with scorn and backlash. That's why he has a problem with PDJT Cruz and others. They stood up to the democrats and the media (one and the same) while he capitulated. He needs to shut his cowardly RINO mouth, stay retired and leave the booze alone. 

    • I agree and I want to add to what you said John Boehner needs to have a sexual relation with his boss Obama.

    • Wait a minute, let's NOT forget the loser RINO from Wisconsin (Paul Ryan), who did everything he could to derail the Conservative agenda. He just sat on his hands and did nothing. A RINO loser as was Boehner. Those 2 should play lovey dovey with each other. They both were terrible.

  • He was always a loser and drunk. Never did a thing

    • Exactly!

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