Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Twitter: "Our first alternative care facility,  the TCF Regional Care Center, opened today in Detroit to provide critical  care to #COVIDー19 patients. We will continue to work relentlessly

You really have to give it to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer who has the charm of a three-year-old being told no more cookies and decides to throw a temper tantrum kicking and screaming. Really kinda adorable in a way.

Last Friday the Guv was handed a 7-0 loss by the Michigan Supreme Court on her Executive Order overreach that I wrote about here…Gov Whitmer Lashes out at Court Overturning Her COVID Executive Orders.


Well, she took the weekend off to come up with some screwball plan, and boy did she come up with a doozy. She is going to have one of her agencies use a law created during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 to give out fines to people who don’t so as her Majesty demands.

She is serious about this.

As reported from WXYZ Detroit

On Monday evening, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer released a video addressing the Supreme Court’s decision to rule against her COVID-19 emergency orders, while reminding Michiganders to remain vigilant in taking precautions during the pandemic.

Whitmer also called for bipartisanship in working with Republicans to address the virus and its impact on the economy.

“As a result of the court and legislatures action, our COVID-19 cases will likely go up. There will be uncertainty, disruption, and possibly greater risk to our economy, more people quarantined and more deaths,” Whitmer said.

She added that the ruling doesn’t mean that all mandated protections against the virus will go away. She stated that she plans to use additional powers to protect families.

Here is her Highnesses tweet announcing this…


You think Donald Trump has some chutzpah, he needs to take lessons from Gretch.

This is government bureaucrats’ super cute way of trying to leave no stone unturned to force their will on the people whom they serve. In other words, this is really gross. The problem that the Michigan Dept of Health and Humans Services is going to have implementing this is who is going to enforce it? Local law enforcement agencies will put these requests on the shelf if they are smart being lawsuits are coming on this also. Plus there are already counties who are saying they won’t help the state on this.

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