
Tennessee lawmakers on Friday passed a "heartbeat bill" banning abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected—a regulation on abortion that has run into legal challenges in several states.

The bill makes any abortion performed after a fetal heartbeat is detected a felony. Detection of the fetal heartbeat generally occurs six weeks into a pregnancy, and the bill prohibits abortions based on a fetus's race, sex, or disability.

The bill also creates exceptions for situations where the health of the mother is in danger.

Tennessee governor Bill Lee (R.) cheered the passage of the bill, which is awaiting his signature, on Twitter.

"One of the most important things we can do to be pro-family is to protect the rights of the most vulnerable in our state, and there is none more vulnerable than the unborn," he wrote.

Judges have stopped similar bills in Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Ohio from going into effect on constitutional grounds. In Georgia, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction against a similar bill due to concerns it violated the privacy rights of women in the state.

The Tennessee bill is already facing similar legal challenges. Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, announced it will be joining with the ACLU to file a lawsuit to stop the law from going into effect.

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  • Glad to hear this, but we all know what comes next. Liberal aclu and corrupt judges will stop it

  • Good idea, but it doesn't go far enough; it should be at conception. Babies should never be brutally murdered and are just as human and deserving of their human and civil rights before a "heartbeat is detected" as after.  Having a heartbeat is not what makes them human. It amazes me that something so barbaric and diabolical is going on in our country and the ones who should have prevented in the first place are sitting on their hands pretending there's nothing wrong with it.  It's hot in hell..

  • There is NO RIGHT TO ABORTION IN THE CONSTITUTION!! An abortion violates the privacy rights of the unborn!!

    • The "right to abortion" was crafted out of whole cloth when SCOTUS embraced the notion of a "constitutional right to privacy." it is worth noting that SCOTUS has never applied this so-called "right" to anything but a woman's "right" to seek abortion. In fact no such "right" exists; William O. Douglas invented it by resorting to "auras," "penumbras" and "emanations" from the first four amendments in the Bill of Rights. But if those amendments in fact represent any consistent philosophy it is adamant opposition to government tyranny, which SCOTUS regularly ignores.

    • It truly amazes me that they got away with that, especially when they said it's "privacy". If they ever saw an actual murder of an innocent baby, they would see that there is nothing "private" about it, with strangers huddling around looking at a woman's private parts as the butcher callously enters the sacredness of the mother's body to murder her child. It's so evil and disgusting I could scream.


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