
The Texas Senate passed a $1.8 billion border security bill that will allow Republican Gov. Greg Abbott to implement a plan to curb illegal immigration from Mexico and install more than 700 miles of border barrier.

The Senate passed H.B. 9 by a vote of 23-8 Wednesday afternoon, after reaching an agreement on changes to the House version of the bill. The emergency supplemental bill is the largest-ever border security package of its kind to clear the state Legislature and will now head to the governor’s desk for signing.

"It is a historic, huge effort by the state of Texas," said Ken Oliver, senior director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation's Right on Immigration initiative.


The $1.8 billion is in addition to the $1 billion that the Legislature approved this spring for border security operations over the next two years. The previous two-year budget had been for $800 million, making the emergency bill equivalent to normal funding for a four-year period.

Rep. Greg Bonnen, a Republican who represents a Houston suburb, introduced the bill as a way to fund Abbott’s proposals made in June. It unanimously passed the Senate Finance Committee this week and was supported by all three Democratic members.

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