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  • Melony...

    I may be wrong but I understood that Texas has been given the power to use DEADLY FORCE to secure the border.  This of course needs to be used sparingly... BUT IT NEEDS TO BE USED and with an initial volume that can not be ignored by the illegal aliens in the pipeline.

    Mexico and every Central and South American nation needs to be put on notice that PERMITTING illegal alien's access to our borders will be considered an act of war... and we will close our border to ALL ILLEGAL TRAFFIC... commercial and civil ... we will declare our borders closed to any nation that supports the invasion by allowing illegal aliens and drug traffickers safe transit thru their nation.

    And if necessary we will reserve the right to Militarily interdict the illegal alien forces as they transit a nation giving them safe conduct... that doesn't; use its military to enforce its own immigration and transit laws.

    This is now a national emergency... our children are being exposed to every sort of medical disease and violence heretofore not in the US... These aliens are not here to work or add to our culture they are here to create chaos and disrupt our coming elections in favor of the Marxist element in our government.


  • THAT DETENTION CAPACITY COULD BE FRESH AIR, SECURELY ENCLOSED AND ELECTRIFIED. If inmates become noticeably bored or discontented with the accomodations-----Off to the waiting NICARAGUA bound boat with them.

    • Richard, I couldn't agree more!!!!!  Another idea is to hang a fresh steak around their neck and toss them into the ocean and let them try to get there before the sharks catch them!!!!!!!!!!



    • How about low-altitude air delivery...  load them up in containers (marked no return accepted) and make a low pass over their home nation... rolling off the container... 


    • It will take a combination of transportation resources to deport the illegal alien population now in the USA... We could recover part of the cost by fining participating and enabling nations for the return of their citizens... it may take decades to recover ... but it CAN BE DONE.

    • BOB : You're a TRUE PHYSICAL FITNESS FAN and Appreciative of marine life as well.

  • I wish ALL the states would give the Federal Govt the middle finger

    • I do too


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