Kaitlin Bennett on Twitter: "Shall not be infringed means shall not be  infringed. #2A <a href=" / Twitter" />

Nearly 10 days after a “framework” agreement on additional federal gun laws was reached by a group of 20 members of the United States Senate, the text of the bill was released by Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) Tuesday night, and the Senate is currently (as of press time) taking a vote on whether or not to begin debate on the bill – even while analysts are still digesting it.

For those who don’t want to read for themselves or wait for trusted analysts, Murphy posted a tweet thread asking people to “let [him] tell you what it does.”
Here it is, folks - the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant piece of anti-gun violence legislation in nearly 30 years. This bill is going to save thousands of lives. 1/ We just released the text. Let me tell you what it does:
2/ The bill funds the implementation of crisis intervention orders in every state, including so called "red flag" laws. These laws allow courts to temporarily take guns away from people who are threatening to kill themselves or others.
3/ After decades of trying, we're finally closing the boyfriend loophole. That means that if you assault your girlfriend or your ex-girlfriend, you lose your ability to buy or own a gun. You can get your rights back, but years later, only for one time, non-repeat offenders.
4/ For under 21 year old buyers, we build an enhanced, longer background check, including a call to the local police department to see if the kid is in crisis. This enhanced check can take from 3-10 days, providing for a critical "cooling off" period for young people in crisis.
5/ The bill includes the first every comprehensive federal criminal statute banning gun trafficking and straw purchasing. This allows law enforcement to put a stop to the flow of illegal guns into our cities.
6/ The bill clarifies who needs to register as a federal firearms dealer, to make sure that every true commercial gun seller is conducting background checks. This provision could get thousands of additional guns sales into the background check system.
7/ Our bill makes a historic $11 billion investment in our nation's broken mental health system. The most important thing we do it build out a new, nationwide system of mental health clinics, targeting the most underserved areas of the nation. This is a huge deal.
8/ Other mental health investments include help for pediatricians to do telehealth consults with mental health professionals, money for more school based mental health centers, support for suicide hotlines, and mental health first aid programs.
9/ Finally, our bill invests over $2 billion in community safety by funding community anti-violence programs in our cities, and school safety initiatives, by increasing funds for the existing bipartisan STOP School Violence program.

Pardon us if we’re not going to take Murphy’s word on the bill’s provisions. According to a cursory reading, here’s what we see that the bill does:

Allots more than $100 million to states and tribal authorities in the form of grants to “expand” mental health services, including mental health services delivered on school campuses

Expands Byrne JAG grant program to cover implementation of “extreme risk protection orders,” a/k/a red flag laws, with zero framework for that except a cursory, “don’t violate their due process rights” warning

Includes juvenile criminal convictions and commitment to a mental health institution (after age 16) as prohibiting factors

“Closing” the supposed “boyfriend” (or girlfriend depending on how they identify) loophole by adding even more undefined/loosely defined terminology and stronger penalties

Enhances sentencing for “straw purchasers” under federal law (Laughably) goes after drug dealers/cartels for gun running (more on that in an additional piece)

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  • When they come for our guns we will come for them. That is when the real war will begin


  •  Most call on the "GOP" to retake control of the House / Senate this year, however without a thought as to who is elected, or other.

     We have a group of Reps that have another agenda, refered to as "rino".

     Have any asked why there are no " Dino's " , a one way street ?


      The " Republicans in name only"  are about one thing , A french term..




     This is what it is about , nothing less.



    Definition of sabotage |
    Sabotage definition, any underhand interference with production, work, etc., in a plant, factory, etc., as by enemy agents during wartime or by emplo…
  • This proposed gun control law is meant to eliminate the last remaining obstacle to the complete takeover of America by the FASCIST Cabal AKA “The New World Order”. The Democratic Party, along with several RINOs, have sold the sovereignty of America to a handful of multi-billionaires. These bastards believe the world is not big enough for all of us, so we’ll have to be eliminated.

    The Cabal has taken total control of the democrats, many turncoats in the Republican Party, as well as the world’s media outlets. When they disarm our entire population, the job will be complete.

    Their success has been phenomenal. When they brought in a Kenyan, trained as a Communist, and put him in The Whitehouse, we stood and watched. When the Kenyan replaced the heads of most government agencies with people hand picked by The Cabal, we stood and watched. When several Republicans were bribed, coerced, intimidated, and transformed into the useful idiots that we call RINOs, we stood and watched. When both the Whitehouse and the Senate were stolen in the 2020 election, we grumbled a bit, but mostly we stood and watched. We also stood and watched when Donald Trump handed the “Keys to the Kingdom” over to Anthony Fauci. Fauci then proceeded to put the greatest economy on Earth into freefall. And what did we do? You guessed it: We stood and watched.

    If we stand and watch the abolition of the 2nd Amendment, we will be given a choice.



    • Bravo Thomas!   My feelings on the matter -  Molon Labe!!!!!
      Remember "All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force."---George Orwell"

      "Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear."---Harry S. Truman

      Historic Facts: Stalin: Took guns away from his citizens in 1929 then executed 20 million of them once defenseless. Mao: Took guns away from his citizens in 1935 then executed 20 million of them once defenseless. Hitler: Took guns away from his citizens in 1938 then executed 6 million Jews, and 9 million Polish people. Pot: Took guns away from his citizens in 1956 then executed 2 million of them once defenseless. In total Governments have disarmed and executed over 262 million of their own people in the 20th Century. So, please tell me again why Governments should be the only ones with guns?

      As I stated above - Molon Labe!!!! 

    •  Last I knew, the Reps in the House / Senate are citizens of this republic, and must follow the Laws they impose.

      Ban a gun, They must give it up as well, police, military, personal guards, turn them all in !


       Revoke Biden's Gun Free Zones, allow teachers to carry, and protect the students .


      Senate Members Showing Support for Gun Control ..
      These humans showing this without a bill, nothing readable as yet..
      Also, These [ XX ] 13 voted to advance Merrick Garland to AG
      Most here voted to advance the 1.4 Trillion ( HR3684 ) ..

      Sen. Roy Blunt (MO) 53% XX
      •Sen. Richard Burr (NC) 55% XX
      •Sen. Bill Cassidy (LA) 61% XX
      •Sen. Susan Collins (ME) 38% XX
      •Sen. John Cornyn (TX) 62% XX
      •Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC) 57% XX
      •Sen. Rob Portman (OH) 49% XX
      •Sen. Mitt Romney (UT) 41% XX
      •Sen. Thom Tillis (NC) 48% XX
      •Sen. Todd Young (IN) 53%
      •Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK) 46% XX
      •Sen. Joni Ernst (IA) 54% XX
      •Sen. Shelly Capito (WV) 46% XX
      •Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY) 57% XX

       See the 75% option..

       All who are 74% or lower should be voted out in favor of another Rep ..

  • The Father of a Parkland victim asks: Why does the US send Billions to other Countries but won’t fund School Safety in the US? The Democrats and Rino's in their words demanded "immediate action to protect our children" aka: "School Safety." In response the Republicans sent a Bill to vote that would have provided funding for Hardening Schools ie: Police / Armed guard(s), Single point of entry & Teacher training. In a statement afterward: Schumer (D-NY) killed the bill in favor of gun confiscation! 
    So, in closing I ask what does this bill have to do with fixing the problem of "School Safety"?
  • Over my dead body is the government taking my weapon as a veteran I fought for my and all Americans rights this nation is still government of the people 

    • We as Veterans, have a deep seeded oath we took to defend our Constitution.. I took that oath over 50 years ago and it is as strong in my heart today as it was yesterday....... Over my dead body pertains to all of us who took that oath.......

    • Ditto!

  • Good job, Senators! Questions: When you expand this "law", which uses bribery for State officials to arbirtrarily disarm the entire public, why will you need armed protection? Maybe, to protect all of the PUBLIC, including you and your family, your guards and all the police, should disarm in concert with the rest of us? What do you have to fear if noone is allowed to have weapons? Wouldn't that be safer for all? No weapons???

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