Michelle Obama Meme | TRUMP MEMES LIBRARY | Flickr

Michelle Obama blamed nonvoters, not Republicans, for President Trump's election in 2016.

In her soon-to-be-released Netflix documentary, Becoming, the former first lady opened up about her frustration with those who didn't vote in the 2016 election. She claimed it was the fault of apathetic citizens that Trump won in 2016 and that President Obama didn't have a Democratic majority in the House and Senate when he was in the White House.

"So, the day I left the White House, and I write about how painful it was to sit on that [inauguration] stage," Obama explained. "A lot of our folks didn’t vote. It was almost like a slap in the face.”

She continued, "I understand the people who voted for Trump. The people who didn’t vote at all, the young people, the women, that’s when you think, man, people think this is a game."

Obama noted that the lack of turnout for Hillary Clinton in 2016 had down-ballot effects and lamented poor midterm election turnout while her husband was in office.

"It wasn’t just in this election," she explained. "Every midterm. Every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up. After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”

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  • It is very nice to see the world through rose tinted glasses, but Michelle it's about tome you took them off. No scandals, piffel, the reason being was no one would report on them and your hubby had those investigative powers to be in his pocket. After 8 years of having this country torn to shreds we the people decided to put it back together again. Sorry Michelle, try again, buyers remorse stops at your door...

  • She hates this country.. 

  • Another 'Man caused disaster'?...........No thanks!

  • He was inept.  He thought being elected was all he had to do.  Actually being a working President never entered his mind. Worthless do nothing complainers.  


    • He just campaigned for 8 years!

  • Just another Chapter out of the Sal Linski Playbook.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • The BIG FRAUD MACHINE is the primary means by which Democrats are elected in our times.  Without fraud, they would be held accountable by the American people for their crimes against humanity and patriotism.  What Mrs. Obama would like is the final transformation of the United States of America from a Constitutional Republic into the People's Republic of America, where Michelle and her friends will have TOTAL control of every aspect of American life.  They would like to create a Police State the likes of that of Communist China where those whose 5G Social Credit Score must be close enough to the official Democratic Party condoned behavior Line that they are rewarded by the Government, and where those who fail to attain a high Social Credit Score are sent to "re-education" camps to learn or be used as "body parts" for organ transplant.  

  • Bitter. She cannot accept that her husband is a hater of America as is she and NO ONE liked his marxist policies.

  • Disgust

  • I stopped my Netflix account when I learned that the Obamas have become part of the organization. What a pair!  Will there ever be a time when we could find out who they really are????

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