Can we now stop calling this an election? By pretending this insurrection is a legitimate democratic process, we're playing into our enemy's hands, giving credence to the lie that a decrepit, corrupt, sickly old man, Joe Biden, has been elected president of the United States. This is not an election; it's a coup.
A coup d'é any "sudden and decisive action in politics, esp. one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force." Note that the definition says "illegally or by force," thus equating a rigged election with a military invasion. But election fraud is the weapon of choice for these enemies. They concentrated their efforts on one objective: capture and occupy the White House.
Every phase of this operation was mapped out well in advance of this election. Governors-turned-tyrant imposed lockdowns to keep people from the polls. The panic press scared people into staying home as much as possible. This virus hysteria was used as a pretext to send out millions of mail-in ballots to everyone, dead or alive, legal or illegal, real or imaginary.
Then it was a matter of deploying troops — governors and secretaries of state to bypass any law that might exclude the fake ballots from the final count; boots on the ground in counting centers to enter and re-enter the fraudulent votes; Dominion software to flip Trump votes to Biden. This was nothing short of a coordinated, full-on attack on our Republic.
They even announced their intention to steal the White House long before the election.
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