
The acquittal of President Trump was seen as a foregone conclusion; it has so far been left to the realms of imagination, however, what comes next. It is clear that senior Democrats are not yet done with the 45th president; from Nancy Pelosi’s rage at how little impact censure would have, to CNN running a litany of other possible “high crimes” on its front page, America’s left is not finished with Donald Trump. But does the continued messaging show that those who prefer partisan punishment over the much-touted message of unity are creating a rod for their own collective back?

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), warned:

“We’ve opened Pandora’s Box to future presidents. And if you use this model, I don’t know how Kamala Harris doesn’t get impeached if the Republicans take over the House.”

Speaking to Fox News’ Chris Wallace, Graham was perhaps being flippant while at the same time making a point about the partisan nature of this latest impeachment effort. The senator said that “Donald Trump is the most vibrant member of the Republican Party,” and that “the Trump movement is alive and well.” Could it be this thinly veiled threat that is inspiring Democrats to continue their pursuit of the former president?

A Manufactured Villain?

In George Orwell’s prescient novel, 1984, the party of Big Brother controlled the population of Airstrip One with fear. Not just fear of the interchangeable Eastasia and Eurasia, but of an enemy within: Emmanuel Goldstein.

Goldstein and his Brotherhood are hell-bent on destroying the “security” and the way of life that keeps Oceanians “safe.” He is the object of the Two-Minute Hate and of propaganda papers, and he must be stopped at all costs, regardless of the liberties restricted along the way.

Donald Trump is fast becoming a phantom for Democrats to hunt. He is used to spark the fear that he and his “Brotherhood” will sweep back in and destroy all that has been built.

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