
It’s not surprising that in the Democrat primaries, where the female vote is what governs, Kamala Harris was a lead balloon. Even before you get to ideological issues or matters of substance she was already doomed just based on her presentation.

But on the substance, it’s worse. These actually came from the Trump campaign, but they meshed pretty well with the list I’d written down so I just figured I’d crib from their work…

HARRIS: “The president said [coronavirus] was a hoax.”

FACT: Harris repeated a frequent lie from the Biden campaign that has been debunked by at least 8 fact checkers; President Trump never called the coronavirus a hoax.

  • The Washington Post gave Biden’s campaign 4 Pinocchios for making this claim.
  • The Associated Press: “Biden distorts Trump’s words on virus ‘hoax.’”
  • CNN: “Biden ad misleadingly suggests Trump called Covid-19 a ‘hoax’.”
  • PolitiFact: “Biden’s video is inaccurate. We rate it False.”
  • “Trump said that when he used the word “hoax,” he was referring to Democrats finding fault with his administration’s response to coronavirus, not the virus itself.”
  • Check Your Fact: Trump “did not refer to the coronavirus itself as a hoax.”
  • Lead Stories: “Trump Did NOT Call Coronavirus A ‘Hoax’ Or ‘Political Conspiracy.”
  • Snopes: “Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.”


HARRIS: “And in spite of all of that, today, they still don’t have a plan. They still don’t have a plan” on coronavirus.

FACT: President Trump and his Administration have taken swift action on the coronavirus from the beginning, leading a whole of government response to the pandemic.

  • In January, President Trump formed the Coronavirus Task Force and suspended travel with China.
  • According to Dr. Fauci, the Trump Administration “acted very, very early” to combat the spread of the virus and did not delay in putting in place mitigation strategies.
  • On February 11, top Biden coronavirus advisor Ron Klain admitted the Trump Administration was “far from doing nothing.”
  • Even Democrat governors like Andrew Cuomo praised the Trump Administration’s response: “What the federal government did, working with states, was a phenomenal accomplishment.”
  • The Trump Administration completely overhauled the old and outdated testing system and replaced it with an innovative new testing strategy to meet the country’s needs.
  • The United States leads the world in coronavirus testing, with more than 100 million tests completed and more than three million available per day.
  • “We needed a significant amount of the supply chain from the administration to allow us to at least double testing in New Jersey,” said New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D). “We got it… they’re helping us out.”
  • President Trump used the Defense Production Act dozens of times to expand coronavirus testing technologies and capacity.
  • President Trump launched Operation Warp Speed to guarantee that the American people are first in line for a safe, effective coronavirus vaccine—at no cost—as soon as one is developed.
  • The Trump Administration announced an historic deal with Pfizer to secure 100 million doses of a vaccine—with nearly half a billion more to potentially follow—as soon as it is successfully approved and manufactured.
  • Multiple coronavirus vaccines are now in their final stages of development—an “impressive” accomplishment, according to NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins.


HARRIS: “We now know because of great investigative journalism that Donald Trump paid $750 in taxes.”

FACT: Harris is wrong; President Trump paid millions of dollars in taxes in 2016 and 2017.

HARRIS: “And through a plan that is about investing in infrastructure, something that Donald Trump said he would do. I remember hearing about some infrastructure week, I don’t think it ever happened.”

FACT: President Trump released an infrastructure plan more than two years ago, and has repeatedly called on Congress to invest trillions in our infrastructure and included proposals in his budget to do just that.

HARRIS: “On the other hand, you have Donald Trump, who measures the strength of the economy based on how rich people are doing. Which is why he passed a tax bill benefiting the top 1 percent and the biggest corporations of America…”

FACT: This claim is false and has repeatedly been debunked by fact-checkers and even The New York Times.

  • President Trump’s tax cuts have helped Americans at every income level, including the middle class and lower-income Americans.
  • The average American saved over $1,250 as a result of President Trump’s tax cuts, and the average family of four saw a tax cut of $2,000.
  • IRS data shows that Americans with income between $50,000 and $100,000 saw twice as much of a drop in their annual taxes compared to Americans with incomes over $1 million.
  • The Trump tax cuts are projected to create more than 1.2 million full-time jobs.
  • President Trump’s tax cuts created more than 8,700 opportunity zones which spurred $75 billion in new investments in disadvantaged communities.
  • The Council of Economic Advisers projects that 1 million people can potentially be lifted out of poverty due to these new investments.
  • More than 14 million small business owners took advantage of the new deduction for pass-through businesses.
  • The Trump tax cuts doubled the child tax credit for hardworking families.


HARRIS: “And the truth and the fact is, Joe Biden has been very clear, he will not raise taxes on anybody who makes less than $400,000 a year.”

FACT: Biden’s $4 trillion tax hike will raise taxes on 82 percent of Americans, including those making less than $400,000.


HARRIS: “The American people know that Joe Biden will not ban fracking. That is a fact. That is a fact.”

FACT: Biden repeatedly expressed support for wiping out fracking, the fossil fuel industry, and the jobs they support.

  • Biden admitted during a debate last year that there would be “no place” for fossil fuels, including fracking, in a Biden presidency, and that fossil fuels would be “eliminated.”
  • Biden agreed with a supporter in January that fracking needed to be “stopped.”
  • Biden said in February that he wants to “phase out” fossil fuels such as fracking.
  • In March, Biden exclaimed “so am I!” after Bernie Sanders said he was campaigning on “stopping fracking as soon as we possibly can.”
  • Last year, Biden pledged to a supporter that he would “end” fossil fuels.
  • Biden said he would “sacrifice” “hundreds of thousands” of fossil fuel jobs in pursuit of his anti-energy agenda.
  • Kamala Harris wants to eliminate all fracking, saying “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”


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  • So what else is new with the demorats!!

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