With all of the evidence of criminal conduct by Pres. Biden... one has to ask:  Why is he still President? 

Does he hold a fist full of  GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARDS... evidence of seriously compromised GOP and Democrat leaders?  Is he President because he was elected or was he appointed by the elite in both Parties ... And, if so, does he know who they are and where the evidence to hang them can be found?  Impeachment may well be off the table due to the complex history of criminal conduct operating in our Government.

Do we have a criminal enterprise holding our nation hostage to their infighting and struggle to be top dog?

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  • That 64K is still up for grabs...

  • Is anyone thinking out there?  With Pres. Biden unable to function properly who is running the government and just how much of our government is caught up in corruption?  Has the White House become a Crack House and a long-term care facility for those with dementia?  Maybe the 'Big Guy" needs a line now and then to keep from falling asleep or laying down on the job.  May be in one of his stuppors he forgot to pick up his stash and left it out.

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