Ameria's Problems extend well beyond the leadership in our Political Parties (both)... We are in a Constitutional Crisis because of open insurrection and sedition in high places.  The Director of the FBI and it appears the AG are involved in tinkering with the fundamental foundations of our Republic. There is a 'deep state' movement working to transform America into a branch of the New World Order, with open borders, universal citizenship, compromised national security, and an attempt to destroy America's economy and cultural heritage.  We are in a war for the survival of the Constitutional Republic our founding fathers bequeathed to us. 

Our Children and their children will awake ... soon ... to realize they no longer are free people, a Constitutional, Republic, where all men are created equal in the eyes of God.  A nation where equality of opportunity is the source of the American dream; where men don't need the patronage of Big Government to succeed in life. 

Our liberties are being taken as we speak... they are being abdicated by a docile and nieve People, willing to trade liberty for security and getting neither.  The Christian community is being gagged and the fundamental right to worship God and to assemble peaceably has been taken from them. The People are being isolated and divided, tagged for elimination or reeducation, by the likes of Kamala Harris and her mentors in the Marxist intelligencia: Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Kamala Harris, Alinskites, AOC, and her gang of radical leftist in Congress.  They are all ready to open the gulags in America.

The People, are in a stupor much like the Jews under Hitler... they can not believe nor do they understand how dangerous the current political climate has become.  They want to believe that the traditional branches of government are salvageable and working in the best interests of the People. However, a sober analysis of the problem points only to massive BETRAYAL by those trusted with the reigns of government. Those administering our government are the problem. 

The People, must act now or lose what liberty remains...  They must rise up by the millions to demand the current government resign, subject to new elections; well-supervised, legitimate elections, where registered voters are qualified voters... citizens of age and without felony convictions.  We need Term limits: one term, 6yrs, with 1/3rd standing for election every 2 yrs... appointments to the courts must also be term-limited... 6yrs one term.  We must remove the cancer from the government and that will take direct action by millions of people demanding the current government resign subject to new elections and appointments.  The current management and leadership in government and our political parties are beyond salvaging... they can not be trusted and have proven to be unworthy of our patronage... we must remove them all... even the few who may be good.

No effective reform is likely to occur given the failure of good men and resourcing to rise to the occasion... too organize resistance and to fund a movement large enough and sufficiently equipped to drain the swamp.  Pres. Trump was elected to be a BULL IN A CHINA CLOSET, but he has barely made a dent in the underlying problems. His economic prowess has prospered our nation in the SHORT RUN, but all that can vanish with the election of one Marxist Democrat like Biden.  No permanent or fundamental change for the good has occurred... all of it can be rapidly lost to a progressive Marxist Congress, Judiciary, and Administration...

The current system of government and our electoral process has been totally corrupted...  any reforms made by Pres. Trump can be reversed in less time than it takes to say prestidigitation.

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  • Let this soliloquy... speak ... that we may respond in time to the call of the Spirit for action while peace may preside in our nation...

    Long Grows The Shadow Of Tyranny…

    Long grows the shadow of tyranny upon the land… cold, the hand of the despot upon our liberty, falls. Who will stand, who will go, who will answer the call… Whose blood, did pave the streets of liberty. We few, we few men, whose lives did bleed, cry out; come, stay the course true, and live in peace forever renewed… Die not the coward’s curse, make sure freedom’s thirst…

    Can the bards of time so eloquently lift, their voices to cry… give us liberty or give us death… and not be heard? Can there be so few, yet in this land, too rally round the tree of liberty? Whose voice shall our children dance too or labor now; whose cheers of joy shall our wives great … Will it be freemen or the slaves of a new plantation?

    Were comes this cry for justice in our land of law… Who is it, that has turned the servant of the people, too be their master’s… Call. Will justice be blind, in a land bartered by men, whose black robes so aptly hide their souls? Let the world know, that the law is the servant of the people, and the unjust judge will be overturned upon appeal, to a people… True.

    Woe to the tyrant whose eyes seize upon another’s life and property… thinking to entice the wicked, to engage with him, as his appetite grows bold for more… Until there is no more! Then, shall we hear the voice of the oppressed rise to heaven, and the Supreme Judge of the Land shall speak judgment upon the wicked.

    Look up, for the day grows short… and the sun soon sets; then, darkness will cover the wicked for a time and a season. But in the morning judgment comes, upon the wings of an angel, it comes. For, the tyrant shall not escape his end, it is certain; death's curtain shall embrace him, tomorrow and tomorrow, with an eternity of sorrow. Greet now thy makers voice, with joy… Rejoice for He alone, will bring a conclusion to this all… With liberty, we shall break the bounds of the despot’s call… with the voice of freedom, we shall rally all. Amen.

    BY: RA Nelson

    Col. US Army (Ret.)

    • Beautiful Col. Amen and amen.

    • Thanks Jea9...

    • Would you share your site again where you post your prose/poetry ?  I kept it but cannot find it now.

    • Here is a link to the site:

      Feel free to share any posts you like with whomever you like... God Bless.
    • Thank YOU!! Actually, thank you for ALL you do here. You are a wealth of wisdom in a time of chaos. God bless you and all of yours!

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