It appears that the powers to be in the GOP and President's campaign only want more money... not evidence of election fraud or irregularities. I am very disappointed that reports of election fraud and irregularities go unanswered by the campaign and law enforcement... state and federal. The Trump campaign and the White House appear paralyzed to enforce the law. Why? Such claims of lawless conduct are critical to defending the outcome of elections and our Constitutional Republic. The electorl process in America is no longer capable of determining the will of the people.
The Trump Campaign's pre-election preparations to address election fraud has proven to be inadequate... No cameras on-site (stealth or otherwise), no effective pre-election legal challenges to rule on the facts and evidence that expose 'mail-in ballots' as being an open invitation for fraud. No early follow up on the mishandling of ballots during early voting. Where were the poll watchers and when they were denied access to the polling sites... Where were the FBI or US Marshalls to shut down the receipt and tabulation of votes, until the poll watchers were in position? Example: How can hundreds of thousands of Ballots suddenly arrive in Detroit at 4 AM for tabulation, under dubious circumstances, and then be accepted without a formal challenge to ID those who delivered the Ballots or to confirm the Ballots were coming from an official election site?
It appears that election officials are either inept or that our system is corrupted... allowing Ballots to be delivered from anywhere and at any time, without poll watchers present is a recipe for fraud. It appears there is no need to properly identifiy those making Ballot deliveries or for poll watchers to have an opportunity to challenge the authenticity and tabulation of such ballots, as legal ballots. Our side seems to be willing to accept anything as proper and secure. This is crap and I am done. Done with watching our electoral system be destroyed for a lack of common sense enforcement... Enforcement of state and federal election and civil rights law, of enforcement of criminal fraud laws... which apply to all transactions, including voting. If the processing of ballots in this election was lawful, then America is lost and the American dream has just been put into the garbage can along with our Ballot/vote.
Watch Sunday Morning Futures on Fox News today at 10am (ET)... Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell reveal the software glitches and they are confident this will overturn the election!
This has been known for over 2 weeks... and not one word coming out of the DOJ/AG or FBI... if these software programs were used to alter our elections there needs to be IMMEDIATE confirmation... it doesn't take long for computer experts to identify if such programs altered the ballot counts and if it did ... hundreds if not thousands of individuals need to go to jail.
It is very disturbing to know that PRIVATE attorneys like Giuliani and Powell are breaking news that the FBI and DOJ should have detected early in the election process... signaling serious problems within the FBI and DOJ... criminal problems.
I suppose comments on election fraud are a little frustrating and mind-boggling as to how this can occur in America. Well, folks, it has occurred and is ongoing as we speak. It is time to end the embarrassing narrative that Voter and Election Fraud don't exist and if it does it is not turning the outcome of elections. As if fraud was ok as long as it was only a little fraud.
Just a general comment.
Words do have power. Lies rely on the truth that they do. Propaganda is based on words. Education is as well. Words are therefore important. Both spoken and written. Most of our information is through words.
Here is an example of a lie designed to influence behavior. Calling Biden the 'president elect'. He is not the 'president elect'. He is a crazy old man running around, delusional, attempting to create the illusion that he is something that he is not, nor will he ever be, and that is a duly, truly, legitimate president.
The behavior of Biden is egged on by lies. People are confused by lies. What is the truth, many wonder. Where is it? Sources such as Fox News are pushing forth lies along with the other frauds in the business of fraud.
This was not an election. This was a selection disguised as the "Will of the People." This was the guaranteed to work effort to get rid of Trump.
Everyone knows what the Left is doing. They have been doing it openly for 4 years now. Only the blind mind refuses to admit it. The truth of it is in everyones face, right now, and has been for years. The Truth is the Truth. This election is a fraud.
Now we will see if there is any Justice at all remaining in America.
Exactly, tell a lie long enough and it is perceived as the Truth... The MSM is the agent of Marxist Propaganda and they must have their licenses revoked or the ownership of their networks forced to sell off their ownership rights or go to jail for sedition and election fraud.