read more here:'s state senate and Maricopa County remain at a stalemate over the election audit in their state, and the county is now requesting an injunction to try to block the senate from investigating claims of fraud.
— Right Now MN (@RightNowMN1) February 17, 2021
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Why do all this when we have a Supreme Court that doesn't obey the laws from our constitution.
Keep up the good work!!! They are so correct.
Kelli Ward is a fighter and SHOULD BE in the US Senate.
Ladies that is just wonderful, your going to clean up voter rolls after the election ??? Whoopie twang -- Howzabout fixing the results of the 2020 steal - My vote was disenfranchised along with 74 million others -- GEEZ LOUISE -- are y'all still wondering why there is a division in our country? DUH . Overturn the steal, let the few who voted for Biden, antifa/blm riot, and do their carrying on spoiled brat B S, then call in National Guard and start arresting them idiots, it ain't rocket science
Absolutly CORRECT DAVID, that is what needs to be done. Not only by Arizona, BUT by all the other states where legitimate voters were disenfranchized!
Absolutely Correct..!
Perfectly said. Everyone in this country & all other countries KNOWS President Trump IS the president.
You are SO right on sir!!!