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  • Why do all this when we have a Supreme Court that doesn't obey the laws from our constitution.

  • Keep up the good work!!! They are so correct.

  • Kelli Ward is a fighter and SHOULD BE in the US Senate.

  • Ladies that is just wonderful, your going to clean up voter rolls after the election ???   Whoopie twang  --  Howzabout fixing the results of the 2020 steal  - My vote was disenfranchised along with 74 million others  --  GEEZ  LOUISE  -- are y'all still wondering why there is a division in our country?   DUH . Overturn the steal, let the few who voted for Biden, antifa/blm riot, and do their carrying on spoiled brat B S, then call in National Guard and start arresting them idiots, it ain't rocket science

    • Absolutly CORRECT DAVID, that is what needs to be done.  Not only by Arizona, BUT by all the other states where legitimate voters were disenfranchized!


    • Absolutely Correct..! 

    • Perfectly said. Everyone in this country & all other countries KNOWS President Trump IS the president. 

    • You are SO right on sir!!!

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